Sector 102 - Mutie Karess “The Twisted”
Karess is a mutant Lieutenant and one of the nine self-proclaimed Warlords of Benedict, the infamous floating city drifting across the irradiated Black Atlantic.
Judge Dredd - Brother Morgar
Brother Morgar of the Mutie Brotherhood has arrived! Can this Cursed Earth crazy stop Judge Dredd's mission to Mega-City Two?
Comic Review // Judge Dredd Origins
Judge Dredd Origins - discover what became of Chief Judge Fargo and how this could change Judge Dredd’s view of the entire Justice system.
Sector 102 // Character Fact File: Rhode Island Red, Squid Face and Three Eyes.
The Red Leg Raiders will comprise Games Workshop 1980’s mutie models. Read more about their leader here.
Comic Review: Judge Dredd The Complete Case File 03
Volume 3 of the Judge Dredd Complete case files, finally showcases life in Mega-City One and introduces us to some amazing characters. Read on to learn more.
Strontium Dogs: General Armz
Time to start showcasing some of my Strontium Dogs miniatures. Starting with General Armz - hero the Mutant Liberation Army.
Comic Review: Judge Dredd- False Witness by IDW Brandon Easton
Immigration and hopes for a better life are the theme of this IDW Judge Dredd tale—a great example of the current political issues set in a sci-fi setting.
Comic Review: IDW - Judge Dredd: Under Siege
It's a really good IDW story of Judge Dredd and Judge Beeny being forced to suffer a siege within a Block Hab. Muties, criminal and kidney huts for all!
Comic Review: Predator vs Judge Dredd vs Aliens
Aliens, Predators and Judge Dredd. I think I have died and gone to heaven!
Comic Review: Judge Dredd Lawman of the Future - Issue 23
This is it, the final, the end—no more stories. Join me for one last step into the world of 1990s Dredd - Lawman of the Future.
Comic Review: Judge Dredd Lawman of the Future - Issue 20
Aliens, Medusa and a Hotdog Run. How does Judge Manage it all? When entering this review please be prepared for what I would state is the worst comic in the series.
Comic Review - Judge Dredd Lawman of the Future 09
Judge Dredd has his hands full with Judge Death before swiftly moving into a Block War! Luckily, he has Judge Anderson and Hershey to help out.