Sector 102 // Character Fact File: Rhode Island Red, Squid Face and Three Eyes.

Hey Dredd-heads. I'm bringing you some more Judge Dredd goodness. This time, we turn to the dreaded Cursed Earth and the home of Rhode Island Red.

++ Sector House 102 ++

++ Morning Briefing ++

++ Subject: Rhode Island Red and The Red Leg Raiders ++

"Morning Judges. Intel has led us to believe that Rhode Island Red has escaped custody with the help of the surviving members of the Red Leg Raiders. Most likely in Sector 102, looking for transport to escape via the Black Atlantic. Be warned, this gang uses Dog Vultures, so always check your six!"

-Sector House Chief.

Rhode Island Red was the head of a mutant raiding gang known as the "Red Leg Raiders" within the Cursed Earth, situated on the outskirts of Milwaukee. He is marked by his particularly unique mutation of having a chicken's head in place of a regular human one, which makes him very insecure about his deformity.


Rhode Island Red presumably lived a regular mutant childhood, one destitute and anarchistic within the desolate environment of the cursed earth. A anthropomorphic mutation was highly uncommon, growing up with such a odd disfigurement Rhode Island was probably to be thought of as odd himself. This may have been the reason why he gets so insecure and brutal in his leadership. Like others in the area, he feared the ruins of Milwaukee, daring not to enter; the city was famous for being hit by a United States nuclear warhead from a malfunction during the Great Atom War. It was rumoured that the town came back to life every night like its pre-war self and that the should of the dead rose to take their revenge for being betrayed. So, neither Rhode nor anyone else entered the ruins when night fell.

Over time, he managed to amass a prominent raiding gang known as the "Red Leg Raiders," hiding in a volcanic range near the once Great Lake Michigan valley. With his tamed "Dog Vultures," he punishes the members that fell out of order (or ones that commented on his mutation); with the order, he successfully orchestrates an operation of raids for anyone daring to journey into the Cursed Earth. During this time, he raised concerns to the Justice Department for doing an inexplicable crime to the city (primarily likely raiding a Justice Dep convoy); now, being a capital offender, he unknowingly set a warrant onto himself for arrest.


In 2103, Judge Dredd took on Rhode Island Red's warrant for arrest and went to Milwaukee to track him down. Through intervening a Red Leg raid he discovered the supernatural superstitions of "Old Milwaukee". Judge Dredd, travelling overnight through the arid terrain, managed even noting how the ruins of Milwaukee did have a suspicious glow that he passed as nuclear energy radiating. Scouting out Rhode Island Red's base, he infiltrated his hut, arresting him in the confusion of a fire Judge Dredd set up. Being persuaded by Red's raiders being led by "Ape" (a mutant with an ape-like mutation), Dredd hoped riding into Milwaukee would make the superstitious mutants back down. However, due to Ape's leadership, they kept chasing. Come night, it seemed that all the rumours of Milwaukee were, in fact, true (with the explanation being because of the sheer random nature of the Cursed Earth, anything can happen), and the city came to life like its old self with spirits rising and killing all mutants in their wake. To quell the rising dead, Dredd threatened them with another nuclear war strike, playing into their hatred of the last.

Judge Dredd and Rhode Island Red rode back into Mega City One, where Red would spend the rest of his life in an Iso-Cube.


A cruel ruler, he'd punish those brutally with his tamed Dog Vultures if they dared comment on his mutation. Also, a realist is unusually not completely mad like most mutant leaders would be.


Wearing very minimalistic clothes, he wore no top (presumably because none could fit over his massive chicken head), cargo pants with a knife wrapped on the belt, and sandals to fit onto his giant chicken feet. He had the head of a farm chicken and the feet of one as well, with a fairly normal torso and legs.


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