Book Review // Ravenwing by Gav Thorpe (Legacy of Caliban Part One)

As I looked at my shelves, I noticed the Legacy of Caliban by Gav Thorpe and knew it was time to read it. Gav Thorpe is one of my favourite authors at the moment, especially with his work on the Eldar stories. The book itself is a mighty tome, so I am breaking it up into the three main books- Ravenwing, Master of Sanctity and The Unforgiven. For this review, it is all the short stories before Ravenwing and then a Ravenwing review. Totalling 310 pages and four stories.

A Hunt in the Dark

Pages: 26

Commercial Fluff: The Master of the Ravenwing is dead. Gideon, the last holder of that august position, has nominated the brash young Black Knight, Sammael, as his successor. However, the secretive masters of the Dark Angels Chapter have doubts about Sammael and the events surrounding Gideon’s untimely demise. As they subject him to psychic interrogation and test him to his very limits, Sammael must discover if he is suitable for the role of lord of the hunt, or if he harbours a secret taint…"

Overview: A great view of the inner workings of the secretive Dark Angel Commanders. As Sammael is tested for the right to lead the second company, we get to relive the dying moments of Grand Master Gideon and read as the Ravenwing charge headlong into the guns of a Chaos Reaver Titan. But as Sammael tells his story it would seem a prisoner has escaped, should Sammael follow orders or hunt down the prisoner? An enjoyable introduction to Sammael, fast-paced and action-packed for a 26-page piece.

Honour of the Third

Pages: 6

Commercial Fluff: "Furion’s Black Crusade has reached its height, and all that stands between the Chaos Lord and victory is a single warrior… Belial, a sergeant of the Dark Angels, stands before this mightiest of foes, determined to achieve victory or die trying. Will a new legend be forged, or will Furion add another skull to his tally?"

Overview: A short story of 1,000 words. Early in Belial's career, we start to see the makings of the Marine who would eventually lead the Deathwatch. For me, it felt rushed due to the word count and that Furion wasn't as much of a threat as they made out. He razed seventeen planets and was beaten with ease. It's not a bad tale, but if given the space, it could have been epic!

Holder of the Keys

Pages: 8

Commercial Fluff: "One of the Fallen, the Dark Angels who betrayed their oaths and turned on their brothers, relives his past under the psychic interrogation of Chief Librarian Ezekiel. But with treachery and falsehood in his nature, nothing the Fallen says can be trusted – does Ezekiel hold the key to unlocking the truth and discovering the warrior’s role in the fall of Caliban?"

Overview: Originally designed as an audio drama, this is the written version of what was acted out. By receiving and reliving the confessions of a Fallen, Chief Librarian Ezekiel has to question everything. Is it the Fallen who lies, or is the Inner Circle of Leaders that lies? Once more, you are left wondering who are the real traitors: the ones who followed Luthor or the ones who followed the Lion?


Pages: 270

Commercial Fluff: "The Ravenwing stand apart from the rest of the Dark Angels Chapter - these dynamic Space Marines take to the battlefield upon steeds of adamantium and plasteel and swoop from the skies in lightning-fast speeders to bring death to the foes of the Imperium.

When he joins their prestigious ranks, Brother Annael finds himself thrust into a new world of shadowy intrigue and privy to secrets unknown to his common battle brothers. In the wake of the conflict at Kadillus, hints of a dark conspiracy begin to emerge, and it soon becomes apparent that the Ravenwing has a sacred duty far more vital than hunting down orks..."

Overview: I like Gav Thorpe's written tales (he is possibly one of my favourite authors), so I went into Ravenwing ready to enjoy it. The story begins by following Brother Annael as he is raised into the elite 2nd Company, the Ravenwing. Here, he enters the first circle, learns of the true hunt, and embraces the chapter's dark secrets and shame. At the same time, we follow a section of the 5th company as they struggle to understand why the Ravenwing aren't allowed to assist more in the battles. The book travels between warzones pretty quickly to showcase how the ravenwing works. It was great to return to Piscina as I have fond memories of the original campaign appearing in White Dwarf (it was an Orks vs Dark Angels campaign between staff). Then we travel to Port Imperial, get a bit of a space battle, and then a boarding action. This is properly my favourite part of the book. Finally, we land on the final planet to end the hunt. Here, the Angels face off against the Deathguard, and stories of the 2nd and 5th companies combine. The book ends with a slightly rushed battle, followed by the capture of the fallen target. We also see Brother Annael promoted to a Black Knight and Telemenus of the 5th, becoming a member of the 1st Company, aka the Deathwing.

The book has its faults, such as its sometimes rushed planet-hoping combined with short, choppy, and weird dialogue. But for me, it was an enjoyable read. It piqued my interest in Dark Angels, and I'm wondering where the story is heading. It was also fun to remember the Piscina campaign. Overall, it was a good read.


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