Comic Review // 2000 AD - Red Razors by Mark Millar
Red Razors is a peek into the Sov style mega-cities of the future and how they handle a post Apocalypse War with the West.

Comic Review // Star Wars Kanan - The Last Padawan
I enjoyed Rebels, so I hope this Kanan novel will help round out the lore and enjoyment.

Comic Review // Judge Dredd Origins
Judge Dredd Origins - discover what became of Chief Judge Fargo and how this could change Judge Dredd’s view of the entire Justice system.

Comic Review // The Complete Case Files 05 (Part 3)
The Apocalypse war is here, and there will be no winners!

Comic Review // The Complete Case Files 04 (Part 02)
The second half of the Complete Case Files 04. With the return of Dredd to Mega-City One, can the streets handle it?

Comic Review // Judge Dredd Complete Case Files 04 (Part 1) - The Judge Child Saga
This is a mighty tome so I am splitting it in two. Inside this review you will get the full Judge Child saga along with the Angel Gang so come read.

Comic Review // The Outside Circle: A Graphic Novel by Patti LaBoucane-Benson
Stepping outside my safety zone of graphic novels and entering the Outside Circle - a story of hardship, personal growth and the changes facing aboriginal peoples in today’s world.

Sector 102 // Titan Penal Colony
When Judge’s go rogue there is only two outcomes - 1) Killed by a fellow Judge. 2) Captured and sent to Titan. Most rogue judges prefer option one over two, and in this article, we will discover why.

Comic Review // Punkdroid. Volume I
Now and again, I get lucky and am kindly given comics to read, and if I enjoy them enough, I also review them. So I was rather intrigued when Unpop Tales Studio reached out to me about a new anthology they have released called Punkdroid.

Comic Review // Aliens: Salvation by Dave Gibbons
A Dark Horse Aliens comic written by Dave Gibbons and with art by Mike Mignola. Sounds like a perfect team up.

Comic Review // Karyn: Concrete Sky by 2000 AD
Can my soured opinion of Karyn be changed? I really hope so.

Comic Review // Janus, Psi-Division Volume 2 by 2000 AD
The second in a two-part Janus series. Will the continuation stay strong or falter at the final step?

Comic Review // Janus PSI by 2000 AD
PSI Division rising start enters the fray in this two issue collection showcasing some amazing adventures.

Comic Review // Lenny Zero and the Perps of Mega City One
Finally, we will start exploring different aspects of Mega-City One's life. The main story arc is Ex-Wally Squad Judge Zero, but we also get some real zany and strange tales throughout. Come and check out the review.

Comic Review // Batman Adventures Batgirl: A League of Her Own
Back to the streets of Gotham today with some Batgirl adventures. Let’s see how we get on.

Comic Review // DC Super Hero Girls: Weird Science
What happens when the kids pick the comics? A surprisingly good read happens - come check it out.

Comic Review // Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures, Vol. 2 by Daniel José Older
Volume 2 of the Star Wars High Republic arc. A story that is surprisingly growing on me.

Comic Review: Batman Li'l Gotham: Calendar Daze
Lil’ Gotham, cute artwork, holiday-themed stories and the heroes and villains we all enjoy.

Comic Review: Batman's Mystery Casebook
A quick and dirty Batman picture, a great, engaging book for young readers.

Comic Review: W.E.B of Spider-man
It's time to get moving on some Spider-Man, starting with a new to-me title.