Comic Review // The Complete Case Files 05 (Part 3)

Welcome back for the third part of Complete Case Files 05. If you haven't read Part One or Two, go check them out! Guess what? It's still in its bold, striking purple jacket, ringing in at a massive 404 pages. The tales inside span progs 208 till 270 (62 progs worths) and it covers the Mob wars, the return of Judge Death and the Apocalypse war years of 2103-2104. I love this era of Judge Dredd as we see great artwork, stunning stories and the rise and fall of some great heroes and villains. For this book, I had to break it down into three parts as it is a long one, and this part is ultimately the Apocalypse War arc.

Story: Block Mania Part 1—Block Wars are nothing new for the citizens of Mega City One, but on this day in 2103, Block Mania will rule the city. While attempting to control the one-block war, the Justice Force finds itself surrounded by six blocks as they each declare war on one another and meet in the central park.

Highlight: Melda Dreepe gets a face full of four-cred Freezy Whip, which starts off the whole block war.

Story: Block Mania Part 2—The Judges finally bring about an end to the six-way Block War. The end of the fighting comes at a heavy cost to Judges and Citizens alike. Soon, Judge Dredd discovers this is not an isolated event and that, in fact, most of the northern sectors of Mega City One are in open conflict with one another. What could be happening?

Highlight: Pancho Villa's block mentality is to go it alone against the five other blocks! Stupid, crazy and very inspired by the name.

Story: Block Mania Part 3—The northern sectors of Mega City One are at war with each other. As Dredd struggles to contain the fighting, his long-suffering informant, Max Normal, arrives on the scene. The Pinstripe freak has news that his block has succumbed to the fighting. The only problem is that they have discovered a way to kill hundreds of blockers in one fell swoop!

Highlight: Max Normal is seemingly unaffected by the spreading block mania, which makes Dredd realize it may be a virus. Poor old Max is then forced into medbay for a series of tests.

Story: Block Mania Part 4—Mega-City One is in open revolt, blocks fighting blocks, and now even the Judges are affected by the sweeping mania. Following up on a tip from Max Normal, Dredd is able to stop a doomsday weapon from reaching its full potential. Unfortunately, for a few blocks, the help comes too late, and hundreds are killed by the toxic cloud.

Highlight Weather Control—Using their weather-manipulating powers; they are able to create a cyclone to remove the poisonous gas from the sector.

Story: Block Mania Part 5- Faced with 150 million rioting citizens, Dredd is forced to call in the big guns. Using Sonic Cannons (designed to destroy incoming missiles), Dredd fires on the citizens bringing a lot of the fighting to a quick close. But just as things seem to be improving, more Block Fights are starting to appear in other parts of the city.

Highlight: Is there a more sinister plot afoot? The last three panels sure hint at it!

Story: Block Mania Part 6—The city is in full-scale riot mode, and the Judge's system is being pushed to the breaking point. Having received a tip-off, Dredd heads to Frank Zappa Block, which seems to be at the heart of the fiercest fighting. Inside, he discovers the possible cause of the problem and an overall more sinister plot.

Highlight: Even the Mopad drivers are affected and are fighting road wars all along the high-speed mega ways.

Story: Block Mania Part 7—Finally, the villain is exposed, and it is none other than Orlock, the top Assassin of East Meg One. It turns out that Block Mania is caused by poisoning the city's water supply. As the Judges start searching for the poisoner, the heroic Judge Giant discovers him.

Highlight: It seems like the fan favourite Judge Giant has come to the city's rescue again. But in a shocking surprise, Orlock gains the upper hand and defeats Judge Giant! This is a really shocking turn of events. Up until now, the named Judges who died had very little background. This is proof that no character is safe in Mega City One.

Story: Block Mania Part 8- Orlock, the Assassin, is lost in Mega City One. Having been foiled at the water plant, he picks up his game and attacks weather control. Poisoning the rain seeding machine, Orlock damages the controls so the rain won't stop falling. Now all Mega City One is covered in the Block Mania drug.

Highlight: Weather Control- a massive hovering complex that completely controls the entire city's weather. Great idea until something like this happens.

Story: Block Mania Part 9- The poisoned rain falls as Judge Dredd hunts down the murderous Orlock. As flood waters rush about them, it comes down to a classic fistfight—assassin versus Judge. Ultimately, there could only ever be one winner, with Dredd triumphant, but not before Orlock has poisoned him with a heavy dose of Block Mania! With some timely intervention, Judge Dredd is subdued, and when he comes around, he discovers a cure has been found. Sadly for Mega-City One, it is too late as the real plot unfolds; this was all a precursor to an East Meg One attack!

Highlight: Orlock the Assassin- Such a badass! He kills 10+ judges and almost takes Dredd in a one-on-one fight—pure badass.

Story: Apocalypse War Part 1- The war has begun. East Meg One launches the most significant attack since the Booth administration. As Mega City One still reels from the Block Wars, the Sovs launch attacks from air, sea and space, catching Mega City One completely defenceless.

Highlight: The opening panel artwork of Dredd with a nuke cloud in the background. It was a very epic opening.

Story: Apocalypse War Part 2- As Mega City One's defences are pushed to breaking point, Sov nukes smash through the shielding. The first location to suffer is Sector 403, the sight of an earlier nuke attack by the Sov control agent Captain Shank. Soon, the death toll is rising on both sides as nukes are exchanged between cities.

Highlight: Seeing the Texas City and MC-2 chief judges, it is a shame both are cowards and agree not to aid Mega City One, the Shame.

Story: Apocalypse War Part 3- The war of the missiles continues with the Sovs detonating a load at sea to cause a massive tidal wave that floods the Eastern Sectors and destroys most of the wall defences. With the guns gone, missiles are free to rain down on the besieged Mega City One.

Highlight: Watching Dredd's ship survive the blast, only to crash land in a block afflicted with Block Mania.

Story: Apocalypse War Part 4- With Judge Dredd leading the way, he manages to get the injured Chief Judge Griffin out of the Betty Boop block and into the safety of the Tactical Command Bunker East. Here, the news turns sour as Dredd discovers that Tactical Command Bunker West is destroyed and North lacks a commander. As the Sov leaders demanded the surrender of Mega City One, they displayed power by completely wiping out some of the southern sectors.

Highlight: The medicine of the future. Dredd's broken arm was healed in minutes using a rapid healing machine!

Story: Apocalypse War Part 5—The South of Mega City One is gone! 150 million souls were purged in a moment. With such power on display, Judge Dredd plays his final hand and launches all of Mega City One's Total Annihilation Devices missiles at East Meg One. As the missiles close in on their target, the East Meg Judges activate their secret weapon, an Apocalypse Warp Shield.

Highlight Apocalypse Warp Shield- It seems to take all the power of East Meg to run it, but it seems to make the Mega City One missile disappear!?

Story: Apocalypse War Part 6- With their shields up, East Meg cannot communicate with the outside world, so they place their faith in 'Mad Dog' Kazan to lead the ground invasion. As this happens, we discover the fate of the Mega City One missiles. The Warp shielding has transported them to another dimension. On that Earth peace has reigned supreme since the start of time, sadly for them it is now the end as the TAD missiles land and crack open the core of that Earth.

Highlight: The final panel, Kazan ordering the land invasion, is very atmospheric.

Story: Apocalypse War Part 7- The land invasion is in full swing. Whilst the Mega City One Judges fight a guerilla war. The Sov Judges deploy T-1000 Rad-Sweepers, a giant tank that can crush all before it. Then, if anything is unlucky enough to have survived, they are soon mopped up by the Karpov MF7 Sentenoids, a multi-limbed fighting droid designed for anti-personnel fighting.

Highlight: Dredd's command post is now under attack by the deadly Sentenoids. It would seem that Dredd is trapped.

Story: Apocalypse War Part 8- The war is lost, and Judge Dredd must help Chief Judge Griffin escape capture. Judge Dredd announces to the City that they must fight to protect their homes, or all will be lost. Unfortunately for the judges, the citizens still have Block Mania and ignore the bigger picture.

Highlight: Maria—Dredd's housekeeper, is affected by Block Mania and tries to enlist Walter the Wobot to help. Lucky for the housekeeper, Walter is unaffected and ties up poor old Maria.

Story: Apocalypse War Part 9- Chief Judge Griffin has fled upon Justice 2, leaving a burning city behind him. As Dredd rides north to combat the East Meggers, we learn that weather control has sabotaged their control to hinder the invasion.

Highlight: As the East Meg Judges spray the block mania antidote over the city, Walter the Wobot covers the infected Maria's face, fearing the gas to be poison. Then, as the warring populous recovers, Walter realizes his error. Now Maria is the only citizen left suffering from Block Mania.

Story: Apocalypse War Part 10—The East Meg forces have complete control of the Northern Sectors. Now, Judge Dredd is leading fighting elements against the invading forces, striking quickly and leaving quickly.

Highlight: After saving a bunch of refugees from some Rad Seepers, Dredd informs them they have entered a Rad zone and will be dead within an hour. Upon hearing this news, the citizens request a clean death. With the request granted, Dredd and his team opened fire on the citizens, ending their misery.

Story: Apocalypse War Part 11- As the East Meggers spread south, they bombard the population of Mega City One with Hypnotic leaflets. As the hungry and weakened citizens read them, they become affected by the message, allowing the East Meg forces to pass unopposed.

Highlight: Dredd's plan of cutting off the northern sectors is working. Soon, only one junction stands open for the invaders- Dan Tanna Junction, where everything began!

Story: Apocalypse War Part 12- Now armed with the deadly stub-gun, Dredd's forces ride North to destroy Dan Tanna junction. But unknown to them, they are riding straight into a trap!

Highlight: Stub-gun: Potentially the most devastating handheld weapon ever made. On the downside, it can be dangerous to the user! It's a high-powered laser gun that can cut through anything.

Story: Apocalypse War Part 13—Only four squads made it to Dan Tanna. As the East Meg forces sweep over the area, the teams start destroying the roads, bridges, and walkways of the Junctions.

Highlight: Judge Soulster, after being cornered by East Meggers, heroically jumps over the edge. As he plunges to his death, he cuts and destroys the remaining connectors, bringing down the entire Junction with him. His final words are "For Freedom, For Justice, For Mega-City One"! It's cheesy but cool.

Story: Apocalypse War Part 14- Dan Tanna is gone. All that is left is for the Judges to escape. With the megaways gone, the battles move from the towering city blocks to City Bottom, the base of MC-1.

Highlight: Mad Dog, upon hearing of Dan Tanna's destruction, exiles his commander to Siberia for his failings.

Story: Apocalypse War part 15- The war for MC-1 is ending, and it would seem Dredd is on the losing side. Sensing his soon-to-be victory, Mad Dog Kazan unveils his actual plans and orders the assassination of the Dictator. Now, Kazan is the sole leader of East Meg and her forces.

Highlight: We find out that Kazan has a clone mother in Siberia, leading to the idea that he may be a clone like Dredd.

Story: Apocalypse War Part 16- We go back a few days to discover the fate of Chief Judge Griffin. It would seem he was captured rather quickly after fleeing Mega City One. After suffering from extreme torture, Chief Judge Griffin is nothing more than a brainwashed Sov puppet. Leaving it up to Judge Dredd to end Chief Judge Griffin's career.

Highlight: Dredd's forces are building pits and executing any citizens who have helped the Sovs; this is a severe dark turn for the comic.

Story: In Apocalypse War Part 17, Chief Judge Griffin has sided with the Sovs, and now it is up to Judge Dredd to sneak into the Grand Hall of Justice and kill his old friend and mentor.

Highlight: Dredd sneaks in the same way as he did when he attacked the Mad Chief Judge Cal—a fitting way for sure to end another Chief Judges’ life.

Story: Apocalypse War Part 18- Dredd has assassinated his old friend, Chief Judge Griffin. Judge Dredd takes his own life, not wanting to be used like his mentor. Or at least that's what he wants the Soviets to believe. Using a specially modified bullet, Judge Dredd can shoot himself whilst not killing himself. Coming to a less guarded location, Judge Dredd fights back to the escape hatch. Cornered and too weak to lift the statue, Judge Dredd plans to sell his life dearly and sets fire to the Grand Hall of Justice.

Highlight: Walter, seeking revenge for Judge Dredd's death, arrives just in time to drag the weakened Judge to safety.

Story: Apocalypse War Part 19- At the Southern Gates of the city, 27 million citizens flee into the cursed earth, hoping to escape the Sov Block onslaught. Having failed to gain the support of either Tex-Cit or Mega-City Two, Dredd selects nine of the best still active Judges and sets off to destroy East-Meg One for good.

Highlight: Anderson and Hersey are back. I know the next few progs will be crazy!

Story: Apocalypse War Part 20- Nine versus an army! Dredd plans to destroy East-Meg One in hopes of evening up the fight. Step one of this plan is capturing a Sov Strato-V.

Highlight: The Sov Judges are outmatched by the elite of Mega City One. We get to see them take down twice their number with zero casualties.

Story: Apocalypse War Part 21- Using the stolen Strato-V, Dredd's team uses a twister missile to drill a hole into a Sov control missile bunker. As the Sov are distracted by the unexploded missile, the Mega City One Judges can use the tunnel to infiltrate the bunker.

Highlight: Though not a bad strip, it has no real standout moments.

Story: Apocalypse War Part 22—Dredd's team tears through the Sov bunker, taking no prisoners. Soon, they gain control of the OP centre and 20 TAD missiles. Once launch codes are secure, Dredd orders them all fired on East Meg One. From this range, the Sov city won't have time to raise its shields.

Highlight: A cold-hearted, ruthless Dredd. Seeking vengeance against the Sov's attack, Dredd sentences 20 billion souls to a nuclear death!

Story: Apocalypse War Part 23—Judge Dredd has wiped East Meg from the face of the Earth, reigniting the resistant fighting in Mega City One. With their job complete, The Apocalypse Squad surrenders and is taken prisoner by Mad Dog's men.

Highlight: Izaak—Once the Sov's second in command, his career has taken a nosedive due to Dredd. For his constant failures, he is now just a Kadet forced to play Russian roulette every day!

Story: Apocalypse War Part 24—With Mega City One's faith restored the fight shifts in favour of the besieged fighting force. Soon, even Mad Dog's generals are suing for peace. At this point, it becomes clear Mad Dog will get everyone killed, so Izaak, the downtrodden East Meg Judge, hatches a plan to bring down Kazan for good.

Highlight: Judge McGruder is back! She is heavily injured but has taken command of the resistance fighters of MC-1. This will be her defining moment and lead to her becoming Chief Judge.

Story: Apocalypse War Part 25- The epic finale. Released by Izaak and given the freedom to move unchallenged on the Sov Command Ship, Judge Dredd makes his way to confront Mad Dog Kazan. As Kazan watches his demoralized forces collapse around him, he regrets nothing and stands defiant before Dredd. For his crimes against Mega City One, Dredd executes Kazan and forces the unconditional surrender of Sov forces. The surviving Sov generals become prisoners for the most part, whilst the rest are sent back home to the smoking ruins of their devastated city.

Highlight The aftermath—We see SJS Judge McGruder become Chief Judge, and following a chat with Dredd, they wonder what the worst fate is soon to befall Mega City One, as prophesied by Judge Fey (Judge Child Saga).

Wow, what a saga! 2000 AD have got so good at these longer tales. If you include block mania, this tale lasts 34 weeks, which is impressive for any comic book firm. Highlights for me include:

  1. Block Mania and the building tension of wondering what the hell is happening!

  2. Orlock the East Meg Assassin- Such a badass, can't wait for him to reappear again.

  3. The destructive scale of the fighting at 30 billion people is gone from the Judge Dredd timeline!

  4. The use of old characters- the return of Anderson and Hersey at the end and the sad death of Giant at the beginning.

  5. With the newly instated Chief Judge McGruder, we are getting closer to when I first started reading 2000 AD, which makes me excited.


I feel weird writing this, but I don't have any! This story arc was epic and exactly what I want from a tale that feels like half the book. Yes, it was expected that MC-1 would win, but the how was a mystery.

So where does the city go now? It seems pretty screwed up in my opinion, most of the north is in ruins whilst the east is flooded. On top of that, we have a Dredd that blew up 20 billion citizens in revenge for his city, and as the last line mentioned, we are also closing in on Judge Fey's doomsday year. All I know is that Complete Case Files Six is going to be an exciting read.

I hope you have had fun reading this overview. My hope is that these either inspire you to pick up a prog or, at the very least, bring a smile to your face. Thanks for reading!


Personal Fluff for my Iyanden Warhost // The Fall of Taspia


Comic Book Review // Judge Dredd: Complete Case Files 05 (Part 2)