Comic Review // Judge Anderson PSI FILES 01
Finally we have reached some Judge Anderson action. I my opinion the perfect counter to Judge Dredd and his cold brutal ways.

Comic Review // The Complete Case Files 05 (Part 3)
The Apocalypse war is here, and there will be no winners!

Comic Review: Judge Dredd The Complete Case File 03
Volume 3 of the Judge Dredd Complete case files, finally showcases life in Mega-City One and introduces us to some amazing characters. Read on to learn more.

Book Review: Sweet Justice by 2000 AD
Nine short stories wrapped up in an e-book. Starring Judge Anderson and Judge Hershey.

Comic Review: Judge Dredd Deviations by IDW
What if Judge Dredd didn’t discover a cure…here we deviate from the main timeline and find out what would happen if Judge Dredd wolfed out!

Comic Review: Judge Dredd Anderson PSI Division
The first of maybe many IDW Judge Anderson tales, we get to see how the US audience is going to be feed Judge Anderson.

Comic Review: Dredd: Ma-Ma & Underbelly
The birth of Ma-ma and the fall out of Slow-mo being taken out of action are the themes of today’s comics.

Comic Review - Judge Dredd Lawman of the Future 10
The final part of the Judge Death story is in this issue! Will Judge Anderson defeat the supervillain?

Comic Review - Judge Dredd Lawman of the Future 09
Judge Dredd has his hands full with Judge Death before swiftly moving into a Block War! Luckily, he has Judge Anderson and Hershey to help out.