Strontium Dogs // The Torso of Newcastle

George Moore, alias The Torso from Newcastle, was (along with Middenface McNulty, Johnny Alpha, Clacton Fuzz, Studs Boyce and Evans the Fist) one of the leaders of the Mutant Army, which rose in protest at Nelson Bunker Kreelman's anti-mutant policies in 2167 AD. He later became a search/destroy agent (or 'Strontium Dog'), a mutant bounty hunter, and helped Johnny bring the mutant terrorist William Blood Moon to justice. Torso (as his friends called him) was killed by the Stix Brothers while aiding Johnny Alpha against Kreelman when the villain returned and took control of the Search/Destroy Agency.


Strontium Dog // General Armz - Mutant Liberation Army


Sector 102 // Fairly Hyperman