Comic Review // Batman Adventures Batgirl: A League of Her Own
Back to the streets of Gotham today with some Batgirl adventures. Let’s see how we get on.

Comic Review // Batman Adventures: Riddle Me This by Scott Peterson
Easy reading today with a young reader Batman adventure starring the Riddler!

Comic Review // The Amazing Adventures of Batman: Terrible Two
Rapidly progressing through these Amazing Adventures of Batman. This time sees Two-Face teaming up with Two-Face to take down Batman.

Comic Review // The Amazing Adventures of Batman: Reptile Raid by Laurie S. Sutton
Finally have all eight books! For this adventure we turn to the villain Killer Croc for a good old Reptile Raid.

Comic Review // The Amazing Adventures of Batman: Rain of Fear by Brandon T. Snider
Scarecrow has released a fear toxin on Gotham, and Batman is under its control. Only Robin can save the day! Suit up and read on for more Batman fun!

Comic Review // DC Super Hero Girls: Weird Science
What happens when the kids pick the comics? A surprisingly good read happens - come check it out.

Comic Review // Alien Revival by Marvel
We are heading to the farm to get some xenomorph goodness! What could go wrong when a colony world refuses to stay under Weyland Yutani's control?

Comic Review // Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures, Vol. 2 by Daniel José Older
Volume 2 of the Star Wars High Republic arc. A story that is surprisingly growing on me.

Comic Review // Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures, Vol. 1
I found Volume 1 in a new-to-me series of Star Wars. The High Republic shows an all-new era of the franchise, one where Jedi are rather common, and the main threat is a pirate group known as the Nihil. I am hoping this will be the start of something truly fun.

Comic Review: Batman - Bane Drain
Bane seeks out and tackles Batman and Batwing within the Gotham Stadium. Can this duo take down the muscle man?

Comic Book: Watch out for Jabba the Hutt by Simon Beecroft
Time for a Young Reader Star Wars adventure let’s see how it goes.

Comic Review: Batman Li'l Gotham: Calendar Daze
Lil’ Gotham, cute artwork, holiday-themed stories and the heroes and villains we all enjoy.

Comic Review: Harke and Burr
Hurke and Burke a spin-off series set within the world of Dredd - but leaning heavily on the gothic horror.

Comic Review: Judge Dredd The Complete Case File 03
Volume 3 of the Judge Dredd Complete case files, finally showcases life in Mega-City One and introduces us to some amazing characters. Read on to learn more.

Comic Review - Superman an Origin Story
Can a Superman origins story warm me to Superman or will I still find the Man of Steel dull and blunt?

Comic Review: Batman's Mystery Casebook
A quick and dirty Batman picture, a great, engaging book for young readers.

Comic Review: W.E.B of Spider-man
It's time to get moving on some Spider-Man, starting with a new to-me title.

Comic Review: Superman Earth One Vol.1, 2 & 3
Superman, Superman, Superman, is this the dullest superhero of all time?

Comic Review: The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries, Vol. 2
I enjoyed volume 1 so much that I had to try out volume 2! Let’s scooby dooby do!