Comic Review // Alien Revival by Marvel

It feels like a while since we last visited my favourite Xenos. It's time to fix that with this new-to-me Alien comic, which has a beautiful cover featuring a bold orange and black art piece.

Title: Alien, Vol. 2: Revival

Author: Phillip Kennedy Johnson

Illustrator: Salvador Larroca

Colourist: GURU-eFX

Blurb: Fresh horror from a galaxy full of nightmares! An off-world terraforming station manned by an Appalachian religious sect has been mysteriously sabotaged with an outbreak of Xenomorphs! Now, an aging woman dying from a rare disease must defend her flock against the Aliens — the galaxy’s most perfect killing organisms! This gentle soul, facing her last lonely days trapped inside a failing body, must take on a creature that she both hates and envies: the perfectly evolved survivor and “mother.” But what at first seemed like a curse may prove to be a blessing in disguise. And Callan will soon find that she still has something worth living for…and worth fighting for!

Format: 176 pages, Paperback

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That felt good! Alien Vol. 2 Revival collects issues 7 to 12 and Annual 1 of the Marvel Comics series written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson with art by Salvador Larroca. So, it is a decent read.

We join the colonists of planet Euridice. It is a peaceful world run by a religious group (cult) who are incredibly close to securing their planet's freedom from the United Americas. With the timer ticking down, Weyland-Yutani (the real power behind the throne) sends diplomats to finalize the paperwork. Unfortunately, something happens en route and the ship crash lands. Can we all guess what was on the ship? Soon, people jump into the shadows, turning on each other and dying quickly. Can the colonists survive?

This was an excellent read. The most I've enjoyed from the Marvel line-up to date. The setting did it for me: rural farmland where the monsters could hide in the crops. Combine the scene with the cult and all the praying to be saved, and you have some creepy shit. This is an excellent addition to the lore and aliens line and I highly recommend it.

As always, thanks for reading along.


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