Comic Review: Dear Super-Villains by Michael Northrop
It's time for a young, reader-friendly DC Super-villain tale. It stars classic villains like Lex Luthor, Catwoman, and Black Manta.

Comic Review: Brit-Cit Noir by John Smith - 2000 AD
Judge Dredd, meets X-files, all set in Brit-Cit. Must be another fun 2000 AD installment.

Comic Review: The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries, Vol. 1
A Batman and Scooby-Doo crossover! No chance I was leaving this on the shelf.

Comic Review: Predator vs Dredd vs Alien
My favourite lawman facing off against the two most iconic sci-fi creatures ever! Let’s get going!

Comic Review: Judge Dredd Deviations by IDW
What if Judge Dredd didn’t discover a cure…here we deviate from the main timeline and find out what would happen if Judge Dredd wolfed out!

Comic Review: Mars Attacks vs Judge Dredd by IDW
The Aliens are coming and they aren’t taking any prisoners. How the aliens from Mars have managed to remain unnoticed for so long is truly a surprise. But hopefully Judge Dredd can stop them.

Comic Review: Judge Dredd Complete Case Files 02 (Part 02)
Time for part two of the Complete Case Files 02. Time for some Klegg action!!

Comic Review: Judge Dredd Complete Case Files 02 (Part 1)
Part One of a two part spilt as we tackle the Judge Dredd the Complete Case Files 02. We have diseases, radioactive deserts, mutants and Dinosaurs! Let’s not forget the aliens and robots. So jump into what could be the greatest Dredd story ever told.

Comic Review: Judge Dredd The Restricted Files 01
Finally dipping back into the world of Judge Dredd with the first collect omnibus of the Restricted Case Files.

Comic Review: Batman: Arkham Knight Books 1, 2 & 3
Batman Arkham Knight series in one hit. I got lucky and found them all at the library. Will my luck hold and we get a good story?

Comic Review: Judge Dredd- False Witness by IDW Brandon Easton
Immigration and hopes for a better life are the theme of this IDW Judge Dredd tale—a great example of the current political issues set in a sci-fi setting.

Comic Review: Judge Dredd- Volume One IDW
IDW a Judge Dredd collection. We actually have a single author working his way for a whole story arc. This could work wonders!

Comic Review: Judge Dredd Year One by IDW
Has this magazine changed my opinion on IDW? Join Dredd on his first big case in Year One.

Comic Review: Predator vs Judge Dredd vs Aliens
Aliens, Predators and Judge Dredd. I think I have died and gone to heaven!

Comic Review: Predators - Fire and Stone
The final installment of Fire and Stone. Can the last collection tie up the story with a nice bow, or will we be disappointed?

Comic Review: Fire and Stone - Aliens vs Predator
Finally, the Predators have arrived! Seems like it is about to get real messy.

Comic Review: Aliens - Fire & Stone
Continuing with Fire & Stone series with the Aliens edition. The artwork is stunning!

Comic Review: Fire and Stone - Prometheus
Aliens - the franchise that started it all for me. I grew up on the original two films and was absorbed into a world of horror and terror that has never let go! Let’s see if the comics and bring the heat.

Comic Review: Rogue Trooper WAR Machine
The 30th Anniversary of Rogue Trooper saw Dave Gibbon, the Artist, write the story Arc of a G.I. from how he would have done it. Does it work? Come find out.