Comic Review: Fire and Stone - Prometheus

Well, it looks like the Ottawa library will be keeping me busy for a little while with its fantastic selection of graphic novels. I can't believe it took me this long to realize they had such a good selection. I should look more often. Fundamental note of this post: go check out your local library. You'll be surprised how well-stocked they are.


Title: Prometheus: Fire and Stone #1

Author: Paul Tobin

Type: Graphic Novel

Page Count: 126

Buy on Amazon if the library doesn’t have it.

Fluff: When the Prometheus never returned from her fateful journey to LV-223, the questions surrounding the origins of man went unanswered. Now, a new team of explorers seeks to uncover the dark mystery that holds not only the fate of the original mission but possibly their damnation. This is the first volume of Prometheus in a blockbuster crossover event featuring Aliens, Predator, and Prometheus!


First up, this isn't a stand-alone graphic novel but, in fact, part of a trio. Crossing all three franchises - Prometheus, Aliens and Predator. As the title suggests, we start within the Prometheus franchise.

We join a scavenger vessel as it heads toward an uninhabited moon to salvage a downed research vessel. But in classic alien-verse tales plotlines, the crew aren't being told the whole truth. The truth is the downed craft was believed to have carried the now-deceased Weyland. If they can discover the truth behind his disappearance, they could become relatively wealthy.

Jump forward in time, and the world has been flipped onto its head. Starting with the now wholly inhabited, once uninhabited world. That's right; the dead world is now teeming with life. The life that wants nothing more than to kill the crew! To make matters worse, there seems to be a bald giant alien stalking the jungle, hunting for something and will let no one get in its way. Also, what is all this black goo?

As all good xenomorph tales go, this has a high body count and exciting twists. Is it mind-blowing? No. Was it a fun sci-fi horror tale that filled 30 minutes? Hell yes. It was also interesting enough for me to want to keep reading. So expect part two tomorrow.


Comic Review: Aliens - Fire & Stone


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