Strontium Dog // Kid Knee
Kid Knee a fellow Strontium Dog Bounty Hunter who has landed on rough times.

Comic Review // Judge Anderson PSI FILES 01
Finally we have reached some Judge Anderson action. I my opinion the perfect counter to Judge Dredd and his cold brutal ways.

Comic Review // 2000 AD - Red Razors by Mark Millar
Red Razors is a peek into the Sov style mega-cities of the future and how they handle a post Apocalypse War with the West.

Comic Review // Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 07
Judge Dredd the Complete Case Files 07 is home to some amazing stories, Werewolves, Fatties, Rookie Judge Dekker, PSI Chief Omar and the wreckers! Pure gold in this book.

Comic Review // Alien: The Original Screenplay
How different would the the alien franchise be if this creative direction had be took?

Comic Review // The Dark Judges: Fall of Deadworld Book 1
Dark Judges are so iconic in the world of Judge Dredd. So a chance to visit Deathworld and discover their back stories could not be missed!

Comic Review // Alien: The Illustrated Story by Archie Goodwin and Walter Simonson
The Fate of the Nostromo is brought to life in a stunning graphic novel.

Comic Review // Aliens: Inhuman Condition
A quick little library finds about everyone’s favourite Xenomorph. Come check it out with me.

Comic Review // Judge Dredd Origins
Judge Dredd Origins - discover what became of Chief Judge Fargo and how this could change Judge Dredd’s view of the entire Justice system.

Comic Book Review // Judge Dredd: Complete Case Files 05 (Part 2)
This is part two of the Complete Case Files 05. It covers the Dark Judges and a Hotdog's run into the Cursed Earth.

Comic Review // Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 05 (Part 1)
The Complete Case Files 05 - Part 1 - will have us ride along with Judge Dredd as he takes on the Mega Mobs of MC-1.

Comic Review // Judge Dredd Complete Case Files 04 (Part 1) - The Judge Child Saga
This is a mighty tome so I am splitting it in two. Inside this review you will get the full Judge Child saga along with the Angel Gang so come read.

Comic Review // The Outside Circle: A Graphic Novel by Patti LaBoucane-Benson
Stepping outside my safety zone of graphic novels and entering the Outside Circle - a story of hardship, personal growth and the changes facing aboriginal peoples in today’s world.

Comic Review // Punkdroid. Volume I
Now and again, I get lucky and am kindly given comics to read, and if I enjoy them enough, I also review them. So I was rather intrigued when Unpop Tales Studio reached out to me about a new anthology they have released called Punkdroid.

Comic Review // Judge Dredd: Cold War
Looks like Judge Dredd are entering a Cold War with the Sov Blocks. This comic is a collection of Sov themed stories dealing with the fall out of Titan.

Comic Review // Green Lantern An Origin Story
How did Hal Jordan become the Green Lantern? Looks like we will discover the answers in today’s short read.

Comic Review // Aliens: Salvation by Dave Gibbons
A Dark Horse Aliens comic written by Dave Gibbons and with art by Mike Mignola. Sounds like a perfect team up.

Comic Review // Karyn: Concrete Sky by 2000 AD
Can my soured opinion of Karyn be changed? I really hope so.

Comic Review // Janus PSI by 2000 AD
PSI Division rising start enters the fray in this two issue collection showcasing some amazing adventures.

Comic Review // Lenny Zero and the Perps of Mega City One
Finally, we will start exploring different aspects of Mega-City One's life. The main story arc is Ex-Wally Squad Judge Zero, but we also get some real zany and strange tales throughout. Come and check out the review.