Comic Review // Aliens: Inhuman Condition

I was browsing the comic section of the local library when I came across a hardback spine with Aliens written on it. As you may have seen, I'm on an Alien spree, so I had to sit down and read it. Luckily, it is only 56 pages, so I devoured it quicker than a xenomorph on a colonist on LV426. Here are the details:

Publisher: Dark Horse Books

Title: Aliens: Human Condition

Writer: John Layman

Artists: Sam Keiths

Pages: 56

Fluff: On a distant, frozen world, "artificial persons" are manufactured in discreet seclusion. With formidable new security synthetics coming online, how better to test their mettle than against a hive of deadly xenomorphs? But as "socialization specialist" Jean DuPaul sees her ever-more-human android charges sent to their destruction, she learns that the most savage species in the universe is man. From writer John Layman, creator of the award-winning Chew, and acclaimed artist Sam Kieth comes Aliens: Inhuman Condition, a hardcover graphic novella from the pages of Dark Horse Presents that shines a dark, disturbing light on the Aliens universe.


Set after the first two motion pictures, we arrive on a frozen world where a factory of Artificial Humans co-exists near a xenomorph nest. Working at the factory is a disturbed Jean Dupaul, a character tormented by her past xenomorph attack experience. Throughout the story, the unveiled plot makes you question what or who is true and what is a myth. I don't want to ruin the plot, so I am trying to be as vague as possible; the tale is ultimately about a broken but strong woman dealing with her ordeal and seeking revenge on a company that doesn't care about anyone. The Aliens are a second thought in this book and play more into the role of a bogeyman throughout.

The plot was interesting, and it was nice to see a damaged character made stronger by the Aliens instead of a gun-toting hero like Ripley. The main struggle I had was the artwork. It made the whole story more childlike and whimsical instead of moody and dark, which would have been more fitting, in my opinion. I was also left disappointed by the role of the xenomorphs, who ultimately played the role of bogeyman and never really seemed a threat. Overall I wanted to like it but felt rather indifferent by the end.

Cheers for reading and drop me a comment below.


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