Comic Review: Judge Dredd Lawman of the Future - Issue 15
Mad bombs, cyborgs and the Illustrated Dragon finally catches Judge Dredd.

Comic Review: Judge Dredd Lawman of the Future Issue 13
Is the Bludd-Grudfather arc ending this issue? Let’s find out.

Comic Review: Judge Dredd - Lawman of the Future Issue 12
The Mega-rackets storyline is picking up pace in this week’s issue. Come check it out!

Comic Review - Judge Dredd Lawman of the Future 09
Judge Dredd has his hands full with Judge Death before swiftly moving into a Block War! Luckily, he has Judge Anderson and Hershey to help out.

Comic Review - Judge Dredd Lawman of the Future 08
Judge Death has finally entered the 1995 Judge Dredd verse and nothing will ever be the same again!

Comic Review - Lawman of the Future 07
The Robots are taking over Mega-City One. Luckily for our citizens of the future Judge Dredd is on hand to save them all.

Comic Review - Judge Dredd Lawman of the Future 06
The block is about to drop, and so is Judge Dredd! Let’s jump on in and see what’s going down.

Comic Review - Judge Dredd Lawman of the Future 05
We are moving into issue 5 of this Judge Dredd spin-off series. I have to admit I am enjoying this ride!

Comic Review - Judge Dredd Lawman of the Future: Issue 03
Finally, we get some cool villains. Up first is Mean Machine battling Dredd in a Boing! stadium and then we get a Pacific Rim Mutie with deadly tattoos! Come check it out.

Comic Review - Judge Dredd Lawman of the Future 02
Issue two of Judge Dredd Lawman of the Future introduces us to Ape Town, Coldblood and a Zoom Train. Come check out this comic with me.

Comic Review - Judge Dredd: Lawman of the Future 01
Remember the dodgy Judge Dredd movie from the 90’s? The one you either love or hate. Well it had it’s own spin-off comic and guess who is going to review it all!

Comic Review - Kingdom: Alpha and Omega by Dan Abnett.
Book four in the Kingdom series has Gene in space aka Aux Heaven, before once more crashing down to earth. This is a rough adventure!

Comic Review - Kingdom: Aux Drift by Dan Abnett
Book three in the Kingdom series. Lots of secrets are finally being revealed to Gene and the answers will rock his world.

Comic Review: Kingdom: Call of the Wild by Dan Abnett
Book two in the Kingdom series. We follow Gene as he discovers a new pack of Aux and is forced to choose between the Masters and the Aux.

Comic Review: Kingdom: The Promised Land by Dan Abnett
Gene the Hackman - Alpha Aux, saviour of the masters and protector of the lawn. Well at least that’s how it began.

Comic Review: 2000 AD Classic
Following on from the Modern version comes the classics. Reintroducing us to well-developed characters and allowing us to rediscover these fantastic tales.

Comic Review: Jaegir: Beasts Within by Gordon Rennie for 2000 AD
View the world of Nordland. Home to the Norts made famous in the Rogue Trooper stories. Discover a world controlled by powerful military families and delve deep into the secrets they try to keep hidden.

Comic Review: 2000 AD Modern
A free comic full of Modern Era comics. Most of these are now well established. But include some amazing characters.

Comic Review: Aquila - Blood of the Iceni
Angry Gods, gore, Romans, gore and if I hadn’t mentioned more gore. Join me as we enter Aquila!