Audio Review // Ahriman: The First Prince by John French
I’ve discovered some Ahriman audible adventures, so let’s dive into these short stories following the Thousand Son’s supreme sorcerer.

Book Review // Ahriman: Unchanged by John French.
The final tale for now in the Ahriman arc. We have reached novel three of the Omnibus and I hope beyond hope we can recover from book two.

Book review // Ahriman: Sorcerer by John French
Ahriman the sorcerer book two in the omnibus. Following the events of book one, we jump forward to Ahriman leading a warband as he seeks out an artifact that may save his legion!

Book Review // Ahriman The Exile by John French
One of the most iconic 40k mustache-twirling villains has his own book! So join me and discover the path from exile to ultimate villain!

Audio Review // The Bookkeeper’s Skull by Justin D.Hill
Moving back to 40k with a suspenseful horror title named The Bookjeeper’s Skull by Justin D. Hill.

Book Review: Redemption Corps - Rob Sanders
Imperial Stormtroopers fighting Orks on an Ogryn homeworld that is made of glass…Hell ya! Sign me up for some of this.

Audio Review: Fabius Bile - Repairer of Ruin by Josh Reynolds
A sane man in a galaxy of madness is viewed as insane, and this is where I feel Fabius Bile sits. How corrupted have I become?

Book Review: Asurmen: Hand of Asuryan by Gav Thorpe
Warhammer 40k, Gav Thorpe and the Aeldari. This promises to be a title I will want to reread!

Book Review: Star of Damocles by Andy Hoare
It is a 40k novel focusing on politics and space battles rather than violence. Intrigued? I know I was. Come check out this Andy Hoare novel.

Book Review: Fulgrim by Graham McNeill
The Emperor’s Children have entered the fray, and it is not going to be pretty.

Book Review: The Flight of the Eisenstein by James Swallow
Flight of the Eisenstein - The introduction tale of Garro to the 30k story arc and a great introduction to the Deathguard.

Book Review: Galaxy in Flames by Ben Counter
The betrayal is in full swing, and the purges have begun. I am not sure my heart can take it. It’s time to enter a Galaxy in Flames.

Book Review: False Gods by Graham McNeill
Here we go, book two of the Horus Heresy series: the book where Horus falls and the beginnings of a rebellion start.

Book Review: Horus Rising by Dan Abnett
Just as the series is completed I start a fresh at the beginning and start a fresh the march to Heresy!

Audio Review: Spear of the Emperor by Aaron Dembski-Bowden
I’ve finally entered the era of the Primaris Marines. I hope Aaron Dembski-Bowden will bring his A-game to this novel, as it will be amazing based on the cover.

Book Review: Sabbat Worlds Anthology by Multiple Authors
Take one of my favourite series and throw multiple amazing authors into the mix, and you get Sabbat Worlds. An anthology of short stories all set during the Sabbat Crusades.

Book Review: Space Wolf by William King
It is time for a classic story, and one of the earliest novels I remember being created for Black Library.

Book Review: Path of the Outcast by Gav Thorpe
The Path trilogy is coming to a close. Damn, I have had fun reading these. This time we head to a branch that isn’t a path but is viewed by outsiders as one—the Path of the Outcast.

Book Review: Iron Warrior Omnibus by Graham McNeill
One of the greatest Black Library stories written is within this Omnibus. Do you agree?

Book Review: Path of the Seer by Gav Thorpe
Book two in the Path series. This time, the Path of the Seer. It will be interesting to see how Thorpe portrays this aspect of the Craftworlds.