Book Review: Star of Damocles by Andy Hoare

Back into the Warhammer 40,000 galaxy once more. If you haven't read the Space Wolf review (shame on you), read it! If you haven't realized by now, I'm a bit of a 40k fan, and the best part for me is all the fluff and lore. The fluff and lore for 40k is vast and scary, with so much room for people to carve out their little slice. Games Workshop also came to a similar conclusion a while back and opened a sister company called Black Library. The name originates from a secret Aeldari location within the web way, where the Aeldari store all their forbidden knowledge on Chaos and is protected by the colourful Harlequins. This company wing produces so many books a year it's crazy! Also, it is tough to keep up to date with them all, but it is about one of these books that I will review today.

Title: Star of Damocles

Author: Andy Hoare

Page Count: 256

Published by: Black Library

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Commercial Fluff:

"Rogue trader patriarch Lucian Gerrit and his family get swept up in an Imperial Crusade to track down and exterminate the alien tau. Having crossed the desolate area of space known as the Damocles Gulf, the fleet arrives on the borders of the Tau Empire. Can Gerrit's resourcefulness save the day when the Imperial forces find themselves outnumbered and outgunned, thousands of light years from home?"


Star of Damocles is the second tale of Lucian Gerrit written by Hoare. I sadly didn't realize this when I started reading the book. I thought it was a stand-alone rather than a series. It turns out it follows directly from Rogue Star. So, this is now on my to-be-found list!

The story begins with Lucian and his Rogue Trader family on the edge of the Damocles Gulf, ready to join a Crusade force sent after the upstart Tau. Due to Lucian's more open-minded view of the Galaxy, he repeatedly challenges the views and opinions of an Imperial Cardinal called Gurney and an Inquisitor named Grand, who believes that all Tau should be exterminated. Lucian, however, firmly believes instead that the Imperium could exploit the knowledge and technology of the Tau for the betterment of everyone. Leading to political intrigue and power plays throughout the book.

Hoare has made an intriguing story using many 40k stereotyped characters thrown in and a heavy pinch of politics to help round it out. Sizable parts of the book occur within the Crusade Council chambers, consisting of Lucian, Grand, Gurney, military characters and tech priests arguing their next move. There are even two Space Marines involved too. The first an emotionally cold Iron Hands captain and the second a hot headed White Scar, who seem to have been designed to play off each other. Though there may be no outward violence in these scenes, you can feel the tension building from these encounters. Alliances are formed between like-minded characters, and at any moment, you could be betrayed by a so-called ally. It really showcases how the Imperium of Man is more a collection of groups rather than a cohesive ideal, and they spend more time arguing with each other than seeking out their goals.

It's not all political arguments and intrigue; the book has some violence (after all, it is set in the 40k verse). Hoare describes the naval battle sections in this book in a way that truly helps you to imagine the scene. Hoare seems to understand how these cumbersome capital ships would lumber through space, which helps to immerse you in the action. We also get treated to a quick paced boarding action from the White Scars, though not a lengthy piece in the book it does help to show the raw power of the Space Marines and how a quick and brutal a boarding action by them would be.

For me, the book ends too abruptly. I'm guessing it was to set up for the third book. Though, as for a stand-alone read, it left me with too many questions, so I need to go and find the other books to work out what is happening. Overall, it was an excellent break-time read and a fun, politically-focused 40k book, which makes a nice change.

Good points

  • Great well thought out characters

  • Realistic Social interactions and arguments

  • 40k Political Intrigue and power plays

  • Naval Battles that absorb you into them

  • Quick punchy, bloody Space Marine combat scene. Showcasing their strengths.

Bad points

  • Abrupt ending

  • Weird Daemon incursion (I know it can happen in 40k. But was it needed?)

  • Might Lucian's Daughter have more background in the earlier/later books?

Overall, it is a delightful tale. Have any of you read this book? Please drop me a comment below and let me know your thoughts. Thanks for reading!


Sector 102 // Restricted Tek File- Lawmaster MKIII


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