Comic Review - Judge Dredd Lawman of the Future 05
We are moving into issue 5 of this Judge Dredd spin-off series. I have to admit I am enjoying this ride!

Comic Review - Judge Dredd Lawman of the Future: Issue 03
Finally, we get some cool villains. Up first is Mean Machine battling Dredd in a Boing! stadium and then we get a Pacific Rim Mutie with deadly tattoos! Come check it out.

Comic Review - Judge Dredd Lawman of the Future 02
Issue two of Judge Dredd Lawman of the Future introduces us to Ape Town, Coldblood and a Zoom Train. Come check out this comic with me.

Comic Review - Judge Dredd: Lawman of the Future 01
Remember the dodgy Judge Dredd movie from the 90’s? The one you either love or hate. Well it had it’s own spin-off comic and guess who is going to review it all!

Comic Review - Kingdom: Alpha and Omega by Dan Abnett.
Book four in the Kingdom series has Gene in space aka Aux Heaven, before once more crashing down to earth. This is a rough adventure!

Comic Review - Kingdom: Aux Drift by Dan Abnett
Book three in the Kingdom series. Lots of secrets are finally being revealed to Gene and the answers will rock his world.

Comic Review: Kingdom: Call of the Wild by Dan Abnett
Book two in the Kingdom series. We follow Gene as he discovers a new pack of Aux and is forced to choose between the Masters and the Aux.

Comic Review: Kingdom: The Promised Land by Dan Abnett
Gene the Hackman - Alpha Aux, saviour of the masters and protector of the lawn. Well at least that’s how it began.

Comic Review: 2000 AD Classic
Following on from the Modern version comes the classics. Reintroducing us to well-developed characters and allowing us to rediscover these fantastic tales.

Comic Review: Jaegir: Beasts Within by Gordon Rennie for 2000 AD
View the world of Nordland. Home to the Norts made famous in the Rogue Trooper stories. Discover a world controlled by powerful military families and delve deep into the secrets they try to keep hidden.

Comic Review: 2000 AD Modern
A free comic full of Modern Era comics. Most of these are now well established. But include some amazing characters.

Comic Review: Aquila - Blood of the Iceni
Angry Gods, gore, Romans, gore and if I hadn’t mentioned more gore. Join me as we enter Aquila!

Comic Review: Finn by Pat Mills and Tony Skinner for 2000 AD
Finn is a fictional pagan warlock eco-terrorist created by Pat Mills. He first appeared in the British fortnightly anthology comic Crisis in 1989 in the strip Third World War and later moved to an eponymous series in 2000 AD after Crisis was cancelled in 1991.

Comic Review: Bradley is Out by 2000 AD
Bradley is an entirely out there Alien child who suffers from a really cruel streak! In this collection of one-shot stories, Bradley retells folk story classics with his maniacal twist.

Comic Review: Leviathan by 2000 AD
A city-sized cruise ship is lost within a sea like no other. How are the engines still running, and is something more sinister happening aboard the Leviathan?

Comic Review - Batman Earth One Volume 3
Batman must face both sides of his life if he is to grow as Batman but will the Bat stand-alone or find a family?

Comic Review: Batman Earth One Volume Two
What lurks in the sewers of Gotham City? Guess Batman will have to solve the Riddle for himself.

DC- Batman Earth One: Vol. 1
Comic Review: Batman Earth One. Can this gritty reimagining of Batman hold a torch to the current version of the hero? Let’s find out.