Sector 102 - Carl Thonius - Judge Mortis Impersonator

Like his friend Titus, Carl had enjoyed dressing up for the longest time, typically selecting his favourite Tri-Vid trivia host as the subject of his costumes. Carl is well-known within his group for his technical skill, whether it is the perfect amount of hairspray, designing the correct pattern or specialized lighting; Carl is the man to get the job done. Unfortunately, following an unlucky encounter, the group's demeanour changed. Gone was the carefree group of Juves spending a Saturday night gluing and designing new clothes. Instead, all their passion is now focused on recreating the look and feel of the Dark Judges.

Now weird smoke lingers at their shared apartment door, strange noises echo at night, and no one has seen the parents of the juves in months. When one of the cosplayers appears in public, it is now entirely in costume. This has led to issues with the Justice Department as the general public panicked at seeing them. Also, the local gang, the "Blood Packers," enjoy a bit of bullying whenever they can. The weird thing is that no matter how much of a beating they take, they return fully recovered.


Sector 102 - Mutie Karess “The Twisted”


Sector 102 - Titus Endor - Judge Fear Impersonator