Warhammer 40,000: Aeldari Worlds

The reorganization of my Aeldari Encyclopedia page is well underway (Quick Link). For this blog post, I turn to the worlds of the Aeldari, as mentioned in many of the books that have been released discussing the Aeldari race. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know if you have a world for your forces, and I will add it to my list.


"I hear the song of the celestial heavens, and the music is cacophonous. It is strange, but I find comfort in its dissonance. Righting the discord of the universal opus has given my people purpose when, by all rights, we as a race should have collapsed upon ourselves. In such moments, species find their greatness or settle back into the muck that spawned them... I have a purpose, if only to correct one stray note in a symphony run amok." - Farseer Taldeer, Craftworld Ulthwé

Planet Types

Crone World: A Crone World is one of the original homeworlds first colonized by the Aeldari as they rose to power tens of thousands of standard years ago. The Crone Worlds formed the heart of the lost Aeldari Empire before they were consumed by the creation of the vast Warp rift called the Eye of Terror following the birth of the Chaos God Slaanesh.

Maiden World: A Maiden World, or Lilaethan in the Aeldari Lexicon, is one of the lush paradise worlds created through advanced terraforming techniques from lifeless Dead Worlds by the Aeldari before the Fall of their race's ancient interstellar empire in the 30th Millennium

Planet Names

Aesyl-Sar: A Crone World.

Agarimethea: A Maiden World infested by a Necron Tomb World.

Alayran: In 631.M41, the Farseers of Craftworld Alaitoc foresaw a vicious assault from an Ork WAAAGH! on Alayran, and so, the Craftworld's forces responded rapidly to save the soon-to-be besieged Maiden World. With their Rangers too far away to aid them, Alaitoc awakened their Ghost Warriors and hid them in concealed positions across the planet. When the Orks arrived on Alayran, the Ghost Warriors struck, executing precise attacks on the greenskin leaders, which quickly dismantled and drove the remnants from the surface of Alayran.

Asmorylia: In 881.M41, Asmorylia was attacked by an Adeptus Mechanicus Explorator force. An Aeldari Farseer present on the world was captured by a Skitarii Kill team and delivered to the Forge World of Stygies VIII for vivisection.

Athelaq: An Exodite World located in Segmentum Tempestus.

Belial IV: A Crone World.

Biel-Tanigh: A Planet of Learning (during the fall), it's fate is unknown maybe a Crone World?

Black Library: The home of all the Aeldari's knowledge of Chaos. Located in the Aeldari Webway, protected by the Harlequins. Possibly within the Ghoul Stars.

Broken Gates of Shaa-dom: A Crone Worlds.

Cegorachi: An Exodite World. It is located at the edge of the Ghoul Stars.

Charnac: An Exodite World situated in the Eastern Fringe.

C'nath: An Exodite World located on the edge of Ghoul Stars.

Coheria: A Crystal Moon where Ulthran attempted to raise Ynnead.

Commorragh: A Webway Port City home to most of the surviving Durkari race.

Daethe: Daethe is located in the Nachmund Sector of the Segmentum Obscurus, near the Nachmund Gauntlet. Not long after Abaddon the Despoiler retreated from Vigilus following the War of Beasts in the Era Indomitus, a Black Legion warband called the Forgeborn under the command of the Warpsmith D'vok launched an assault against Daethe that the Asuryani Autarch Ghaelyn of Craftworld Saim-Hann contested.

Davinuus: Aeldari from Craftworld Iyanden fought the forces of the Imperium to reclaim this Maiden World. A truce was eventually called, and both sides soon joined forces when Tyranids were found on the planet. The ceasefire ended with the Tyranids' defeat.

Duriel: Destroyed to thwart the Tyranid advance into Segmentum Tempestus.

Eidafaeron: A Crone World

Emele: An Aeldari Maiden world located in the Cabulis System in the Segmentum Pacificus. This world is currently listed as a Forbidden World by the Imperium, as the entire system is under attack by WAAAGH! Gragnatz.

Ephraeleon: Exodite World eaten by a Tyranid host.

Eth-aelas: The forces of Iyanden join with those of Craftworlds Malan'tai and Idharae. Their combined forces destroy the second tendril of the Tyranid Hive Fleet Naga in 860812.M41.

Ethero: This Maiden World was attacked by a tendril of Hive Fleet Kraken but saved by allied forces of the Harlequins of the Masque of the Frozen Stars and Craftworld Biel-Tan.

Eq'hai: An Exodite World located in the Eastern Fringe.

Equinox: A Maiden World colonised by the Imperium in M38. Formally known as a thriving, lush, civilized planet, it soon degenerated over three millennia into a sodden, crumbling nightmare, due to constant rainfall caused by the Imperium's industrialisation of the planet and the abuse of it's delicate ecosystem.

Es-thea: An Exodite World situated in the Eastern Fringe.

Falladon: A Croneworld.

Gal-Shathoyh: A planet of learning its fate is unknown.

Gate of Malice: A Webway Portal to the Well of the Dead. The Tomb of Eldanesh. Unsure if it is an actual planet or a location in the Webway.

Gealrachi: A Waterworld and home to Exodites.

Gnosis Prime: A Seeded World. In the process of becoming a Maiden World.

Gulf of the Hydra: A coiling labyrinth of Webway paths, many pathways broken or, worst yet daemon, daemon-infested.

Halathel: An Exodite world. The World Spirit was eaten by the Tyranids of Hive Fleet Naga on the Eastern Fringe.

Hannibal: An Aeldari Maiden World later settled by human colonists.

Haranshemash: Translation - World of Blood and Tears. An Exodite World ravaged by Chaos Forces.

Ishariel: An Exodite World The Eastern Fringe

Kiliak: In 838.M41, Imperial xenologists begin to plunder the buried artifacts of the Aeldari Maiden World of Kiliak, triggering a devastating response from the nearby Craftworlds of Biel-Tan and Ulthwé. After a confirmed sighting of the Phoenix Lord Jain Zar and over a hundred Howling Banshee disciples, the Imperial interlopers are killed to a man, incinerated, and their ashes scattered to the wind.

Klaisus: An Eldar outpost.

Lethidia: In 999.M41, Hive Fleet Leviathan assailed the untamed Maiden World of Lethidia. The Haemonculi of Commoragh descended while Craftworld Saim-Hann attempted to rescue the indigenous Aeldari. The Drukhari could abduct the entire planet through their vile machinations, plucking Lethidia from Realspace through a trans-dimensional gateway and directly into the Webway. Lethidia now hangs like a cataracted eye above the Dark City, the planet's outer layers rich not only with Tyranids but also the tortured spirits of those craftworlders and Exodites too slow to escape. The rending of the veil had left a gaping wound in reality, and a large spar of the webway had been opened to the realm of terrors that mankind calls the Warp. Saim-Hann was reeling in the face of a large-scale daemonic invasion that was spilling through the rift, and the tendril of Hive Fleet Leviathan denied the power of its planetary feast, was being slowly torn apart by the hell-spawned host that appeared within its bio-ships.

Lilae'Fionnadh: An ancient Maiden World lost to a Warp Storm during the Fall of the Aeldari and later colonized after its return to realspace by human settlers who renamed the planet Dread Pearl.

Lilarsus: Lilarsus was a Maiden World of the Aeldari. In 876.M39, it was destroyed by the Tau Empire in retaliation for a cruel Aeldari raid on the world of Ke'lshan. The Drukhari Archon Andross Klax perpetrated this act. This, in turn, spurred Aeldari's reprisals against the Tau, resulting in the Battle of Ka'mais. Once they realize the duplicity of the Drukhari Archon, the Aeldari of Iyanden disengage, and the Tau extend the hand of friendship. The Council of Iyanden icily ignore the primitives' offer and bends their efforts towards making Klax pay for the unnecessary carnage he has caused.

Lileathanir: An Exodite World.

Lohiac: An Eldar world attacked by Sssair Gleaming, a Greater daemon of Slaanesh.

Lotheorisesh: A Maiden World.

The Long Dead City of Einerash/The Endless Stair: Portal entrance to the Black Library.

Mackensee: Currently contested between the Aeldari of Craftworld Alaitoc and Hive Fleet Dagon.

The Maze of Linnian: Mysterious corridors that tested Ulthanesh. Unsure if a world.

Menimshemash: Once an Exodite World, infested by Tzeentch Daemons.

Mirienh: An Exodite World located in the Eastern Fringe.

Monthrax: Possible Maiden world. It is covered in Jungles with a Webway entrance to the Craftworld Dolthe and is now closed following a battle against a Chaos Khorne Cult.

Myrandias: An Exodite World located in the Eastern Fringes.

Naiatoc: An Exodite World located in the Segmentum Tempestus.

Nammeainmaresh: An Exodite World

Not Erva Vanamin: Webway hub (shortly after the fall) home of the Harmonious. Servants to She Who Thirsts. Persons of Interest:

Oelil: An Exodite World located in the Eastern Fringe.

Priom: A planet seeded by Aeldari outcasts. Hidden in the Eastern Fringes, it is a glittering Jewel in the Darkness.

Quilan: An Exodite World located on the Edge of the Ghoul Stars.

Rasilena: In 777.M34, Craftworld Biel-Tan begins a bloody war to reclaim the Maiden World of Rasilena from the encroaching human. Iyanden, judging that reclaiming Rasilena brings no benefit in the ongoing war against Chaos, refuses to send aid. Biel-Tan emerges bloodied, but victorious. Thereafter, the two Craftworlds soon lose their unity of purpose, each assuming the other to be uncommitted to their alliance.

Rhildhol: An Exodite World located on the edge of the Ghoul Stars.

Sithonemesh: An Exodite World.

Solomonesh-Asah: An Exodite World.

Stryken Primus, II, IV & V: Situated far in the galactic northwest, the Stryken System's principal planet is the smoke-wreathed Forge World of Stryken Primus. The system's industrial heart is protected by a ring of three Knight Worlds nearby -- Stryken II, IV and V -- and each is home to several knightly houses. These verdant planets were once Maiden Worlds of the Aeldari. The ancient tribes of Exodites that dwelt there, herding the many different species of giant reptiles and bipedal carnivores, were ruthlessly driven from these worlds by the knightly houses established shortly after Mankind's arrival.

Svehlin: An Exodite World located in the Segmentum Tempestus.

Syph: An Exodite World located in the edge of the Ghoul Stars.

Taneloth: A planet at war against Slaanesh forces.

Tarsus: A Maiden World guarded by Craftworld Ulthwé. After a meeting between Farseer Eldrad Ulthran and the Emperor's Children, Primarch Fulgrim goes sour. The Daemon-influenced Fulgrim orders the Maiden World and others in the Perdus Region to be bombed with the deadly life-eater virus.

Tar-Etenil: An Exodite World consumed by Hive Fleet Naga

Teleth-ai: An Exodite World invaded by Cadian Shock Troopers. Defeated with the aid of Iyanden.

Torvendis: A sentient Maiden World at the heart of the Warp rift called the Maelstrom. After being tortured and driven insane by the daemonic Chaos minions inhabiting it, it eventually destroyed itself as revenge against the Chaos Gods who had imprisoned it and treasured it for so long.

Tower of torments: Vaul's gaol. Unknown real space location?

Twenty-Eight Four: An unnamed Aeldari Maiden World brought to Imperial Compliance by the Emperor's Children Legion during the Great Crusade in the Perdus Region.

Uralek Prime: An Exodite World in the Segmentum Tempestus.

Ursidhe-Ka: An Exodite World in the Eastern Fringe.

Ursulia: A Maiden World now wholly tainted by Chaos.

Valedor: Once known as Duriel (see above).

Yurk: A Sludge World, also sight of an Iyanden battle against the Orks.

With that, we end the current list. As you can see, many worlds are named but with little information, giving everyone space to grow their own lore. Got a world linked to your Aeldari? Let me know in the comments, and I will add it to the listing.

As always, thanks for checking, and please subscribe if you have a moment. Thanks.


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