Judge Dredd - Fly on the Wall
It’s been a while but we have a new piece of technology from the world of Dredd to chat about so come read up on the Fly on the Wall.

Sector 102 // Restricted Tek Files- Spy in the Sky
An essential part of Justice Department hardware-the “Spy-In-The-Sky” satellite camera,used extensively by PSU (Public Surveillance Unit) to hover and follow, usually at a discreet distance, a questionable vehicle or suspected ’perp’.

Sector 102 // Restricted Tek File- Lawmaster MKIII
The most iconic vehicle of the Justice Department, the MKIII Lawmaster, was a bike rightly feared by most criminals in Mega-City One. Read on to learn more about this impressive bike.

Comic Review: Predator vs Dredd vs Alien
My favourite lawman facing off against the two most iconic sci-fi creatures ever! Let’s get going!