Book Review // Malodrax by Ben Counter
Imperial Fist fighting the forces of Chaos on a demon hell spawn world on a quest of vengeance and revenge. Sign me up!

Book Review // Scourge the Heretic by Sandy Mitchell
An Inquisitor themed novel based on the RPG Dark Heresy.

Book Review // Legion by Dan Abnett
This time it is the turn of the Alpha Legion to enter the fray and what an amazing job Dan Abnett does of it,

Book Review // Ghostmaker by Dan Abnett
The opening stories of Gaunt Ghost are lifted from the pages of inferno and made into a fully fledge adventure.

Audio Review: Fabius Bile - Repairer of Ruin by Josh Reynolds
A sane man in a galaxy of madness is viewed as insane, and this is where I feel Fabius Bile sits. How corrupted have I become?

Book Review: Asurmen: Hand of Asuryan by Gav Thorpe
Warhammer 40k, Gav Thorpe and the Aeldari. This promises to be a title I will want to reread!