Sector 102 // Eyl
Being the sister of the top gangs killer, leaves you with little choice than to join the gang. Luckily it would seem being a killer runs in the genes.

Sector 102 // Skara
A pure, ruthless killer. Skara of the Blood Pact is the gangs go to executioner

Sector 102 // Sirdar
Sirdir a vengeful member of the Blood Pact. Always looking for ways to start a Block War.

Sector 102 // Jago
Jago is a wannabe gangster. Hoping to get rich and powerful before the jays can catch him.

Sector 102: Bin M1-L0w - Janitor Droid
Today’s Sector 102 Character is Bin M1-L0w a Janitor Droid, who hidden away in his memory core are the dreams of the Heavy Metal Kids.