Slaine: Ukko, the Dwarf

Ukko is a dwarf who for many years has acted as a servant, companion, official chronicler and sometimes business manager of Sláine, who won him in a board game called 'wooden wisdom'. He is untrustworthy and is obsessed with money, sensual gratification and duplicity for its own sake. But he is Sláine's oldest friend...

Despite being utterly venal, Ukko has assisted Sláine on several occasions. For instance, he was at his side when they fulfilled Myrddin's command to defeat the alien Cythrons, their leader, the Guledig and their god, Grimnismal, who were harvesting humanity's negative emotions. Fortunately, Ukko and Sláine were accompanied by brawny heroes such as Mogrooth, Tlachtga and Calgacus, who all died excitedly, while Ukko was left unscathed.

Because he is a thief, Sláine beats Ukko weekly: "That way, he never gets away with stealing." Ukko doesn't appear to hold it against him. Sláine never stops him stealing, so in a way, theirs is a perfect friendship, as Ukko enjoys petty larceny and Sláine is very fond of administering violence.

This miniature was made by Warlord Games to be used in the 2000 AD Game Slaine - Kiss My Axe!

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Space Marine Chapter: The Iron Hounds


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