Sector 102 // Character Fact Files - Novar

Welcome back, Dreadheads, to another Character Fact File post. Inspired by the Cursed Earth saga from Complete Case Files 02 (link), I have painted a model that reminds me of a character from that tale. The tale in question is Dark Autumn, and the character is Novar.


Novar is a Cursed Earth mutant child with powerful psychic abilities, giving him future sight and telekinesis.


Novar is a strange child with an empathic nature. He despises evil and has a very black-and-white view of humanity.


Novar was a child born with incredible psychic abilities. Shortly after he was born, his father died, and his crazed mother raised him.

In his early teens, he came across Judge Dredd and his group during the early stages of their trek across the Cursed Earth towards Mega-City Two, shortly after their run-in with Brother Morgan and his Mutant Brotherhood. Spikes Harvey Rotten found him by his home making a tree sculpture from scrap metal not long after the Mutant Brotherhood attack from all sides. After one of Judge Dredd's fellow Judges was killed, Novar felt great emotion and using his powers, he blew apart the shards of the metal tree he made and forced the shards to stab many of the Brotherhood members and stabbed Morgar with his knife. Shortly after Judge Dredd and the others say goodbye to Novar, the child hints that one day they may meet again.

It's a short and sweet piece today. As always, please comment or find me on YouTube! Thanks for reading.


Comic Review // Judge Dredd Complete Case Files 04 (Part 1) - The Judge Child Saga


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