Sector 102 // Character Fact File: Wendy, GO!!

Welcome to the next of many home-brewed characters for Sector 102. For those who don’t know, Sector 102 is the setting for my Judge Dredd miniature games. So relax, have a read, and drop me a comment below.

++ Sector House 102 Emergency Call ++

++ Subject: Wendy Go ++

"To any available Judges within the Dan Abnett block region. Reported Futsie down at the Happy Noodle Store at the intersection of Victoria Hayward and Justin Woolley Megways. Futsie is armed and dangerous, believed to have multiple wounded on scene. Medics are inbound."-Control.

++ Accessing File ++

Background: Wendy Go, like many of the citizens from Dan Abnett Block, was full-time unemployed. Her daily trip to the Happy Noodle to enjoy the Lunch Munce Special was the only thing keeping her sane. That all changed one day when she found out it had been removed because it contained authentic egg noodles. This was enough for Wendy Go to flip over the edge. Finally, the pressures of life in the City of the Future proved too much for her, and Wendy Go flipped into a psychosis where everyone else was now the enemy. Wendy Go managed to kill three employees of Happy Noodle, two juves and a Fattie before being subdued by Judge Prince, who was first on to the scene—currently serving time in a psycho cube.

Drop me a comment and let me know what you think.


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