Sector 102 // Character Fact File The Angel Gang

I’ve attempted to dust off my Angel gang figures from Mongoose Publishing. These represent the Angel Gang, as seen in Judge Dredd's Complete Case Files 04. it makes me extremely happy, as these guys have been collecting dust for too long and deserve to be on the blog permanently. For those who don't know the Angel Gang, please read the Complete Case Files 04 review to learn more. They are the roughest, most brutal, meanest, and deadliest desperados on the Cursed Earth! Here is my fluff.

++ Sector House 102 Street Judge Briefing ++

++ Subject: The Angel Gang ++

" Judges, it has come to our attention via our Wally Squad Division. The Angel Gang is active within our sector! If sighted, call in backup. No heroics, you're not Dredd. Now get on the streets and arrest some perps."-Unknown Senior Judge.

Further info: The Angel Gang are the most feared and infamous band of thugs to have come out of Texas City, the Angel Gang were responsible for a near endless string of crimes with one overriding common factor- violence. They are believed to have been killed during the Judge Child mission but seemingly keep appearing either due to time travel, extra-dimensional travel, or they just didn't die. Either way, when you see the Angel gang run the other way.

Never one to commit a murder when an atrocity will do. The Angels are led by the father of the Family, Elmer "Pa" Angel.

Pa Angel has four sons. Link Angel is a classic psycho with a Shotgun. His classic attire includes a biker costume and an old bull ring through his nose.

Then there is "Junior" Angel, the youngest and brightest (which isn't saying much) of the boys. He is the closest of the boys to his father. He is never seen without his trademark Derby Hat.

"Mean Machine" Angel, a cyborg. Originally known just as "Machine," he was nothing like his antisocial family, so "Pa" forced a Texas City surgeon to come out to their hideout in the Cursed Earth and surgically modify him. He now has a mechanical arm, and his skull is covered with a metal dome with a dial. The dial's setting ranges from 1, where he is grumpy, mean, and nasty, to 4, where he is full-on berserk!

Then there is "Fink" Angel, the Eldest of Pa's boys. Fink rarely lives with the rest of the family, preferring to live in holes he digs or finds. He has a skeletal face and is the family specialist in all things poisons. His arsenal includes poisons which can temporarily paralyze a victim, as well as ones that can kill quickly. Fink was known to have had a child called Ratfink.

Finally, although not technically an Angel member, we have their most infamous kidnap victim—the Judge Child. Krysler was a young child in his early teens. Although he was a mutant, he looked nearly normal past his pitch-black eyes and eagle-shaped marking on his forehead. Later, as the mutant, his skin grew bulbous and yellow. He had an elongated body with multiple arms, no eyes, and the back of his head reached out.

I hope you're enjoying these. Please drop a comment below and let me know what you think so I know I'm not alone. Until the next time, cheers.


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