Craftworld Iyanden // Corsairs, Pirates, Outcasts and Exodites.

Welcome to the Corsair/Pirate/Outcast and Exodite page. First up, a big thanks for joining my nerdy fun. I hope to slowly expand this page as I learn more about the Aeldari and even include links as I build and paint some of these infamous scoundrels. So pin back your pointy ears, and let us get our lore game on!


My favourite section. Iyanden is lucky that it has Prince Yriel and his Eldritch Raiders, the most infamous and feared group of reavers. But many Craftworlds home and give rise to these bands of marauding Aeldari. The reason is the Path - a strict set of rules that the aeldari must follow to stay “safe” from She Who Thirst. Sometimes, an aeldari will seek freedom and adventure but will be unable to do so within the limits of the path, so they leave to discover themselves. Others like Yriel are exiled for acts deemed dangerous to their kin. Sometimes these personalities are so strong a whole household, fleet or army will join their leader into exile.

There have been many examples over the years, and here are some I have found so far. Many of these are only mentioned in passing in novels like Path of the Eldar, so Corsair collecting has a lot of space to be a painter’s or converter’s dream.

Alai Mercenary Corps- Unknown

Alai-Myan Alliance - Unknown

Alaitoc Warp Hunters - Unknown

Amharoc - Allies of Yvraine. Lead by Thraellen Longblade on the Mansbane.

Azure Flame - Unknown

Balestorm Avengers - The Balestorm Avengers are one of the Eldar groups operating within the Jericho Reach.

Black Suns - Unknown

Children of Thorns - A weaker Dark Eldar Kabal. Exiled from Commorragh, the Children of Thorns consist of ex-slaves, fugitives, dregs and fallen lords who have come together to regain their glory.

Crow Spirits - Unknown

Duke Sliscus' Sky Serpents - The Sky Serpents are a group of Dark Eldar Corsairs under the command of Traevelliath Sliscus, better known as Duke Sliscus. Taking their name from Sliscus's nickname, "The Serpent", the Sky Serpents are infamous across the galaxy and known for their unpredictable behavior and attack patterns.

Eldritch Raiders - The Eldritch Raiders are a fleet of Eldar Corsairs under the command of Prince Yriel. Though Yriel and his Corsairs have officially left their Craftworld of Iyanden to raid Imperial shipping, the Eldritch Raiders still respond to the defence of their Craftworld in times of need. Their raids have claimed over eleven thousand Human, Hrud, Tau, Chaos, and Tau ships.

Ellarion's Raiders - Led by Ulthyr Ellarion, the Corsair Lord, and are active in the Calixis Sector. His motives for being in the sector are unclear. Some say he is searching for a precious Soul Stone; others that he revels in the thrill of the hunt and finds Mankind an excellent sport. Battlefleet Calixis has pursued Ellarion and his raider fleet for four centuries. He frequently raids Merchant Fleet shipping in the sector, scoring over a thousand successful raids against shipments.

Executioners - Played a role in the Gothic War.

Fuethan - Aggressive, reckless and bold. They are quick to anger and ever ready to go to war.

Golden Squadron - Unknown

Howling Serpents - Unknown

Mor'phann —They have shunned the aid of other Aeldari and have become insular, gloomy, and dour. These Corsair follow death's path and are viewed as a sinister force.

Myan Agents of Silence - Unknown

Scarlet Command - Unknown. Ultimately absorbed into the Eldritch Raiders after some conflict.

Sky Raiders - The Sky Raiders are a warband of Eldar Corsairs. They fought in support of Craftworlds Mymeara and Alaitoc in the invasion of Betalis III and the Karina Nebula battle immediately afterward. The Sky Raiders are notorious for the viciousness of their attacks and raids of such brutality that they are often mistaken for incursions by Dark Eldar.

Sky Reavers - Unknown

Soul Reavers Pirates - Gothic War

Steeleye Reavers - Strong ties to Ulthwe, with many members from there.

Sunblitz Brotherhood - The Sunblitz Brotherhood is a group of Aeldari Corsairs believed by the Ordo Xenos to be aligned with Craftworld Alaitoc. They took part in the Eldar invasion of Betalis III with Alaitoc, Mymeara, the Void Dragons and Sky Raiders. They are known to have a tense relationship with the Void Dragons, and during the battle in the Betalis system, they even fired on one another.

Twilight Swords—The Twilight Swords are a band of Eldar Corsairs who are particularly active in the Koronus Expanse. First identified in the Heathen Stars in 789.M41 by Rogue Traders, unlike most Eldar Corsairs, who usually tread the Path of the Outcast, they maintain close ties to Craftworlds such as Kaelor. They have been seen fighting alongside Kaelor's Aspect Warriors and Dragonships. The Twilight Swords seem to relish their piratical and wild lifestyle, however. Dressed in gold and crimson red, they prefer wild melees and lightning-fast raiding to traditional combat. The Warband also seems bound by a complex code of honour, though they nonetheless are known to violate these edicts if it puts them at a disadvantage.

Void Dragons - The Void Dragons are a group of Eldar Corsairs known for using the Void Dragon Phoenix and Vampire Hunters fighter crafts. They are perhaps one of the most infamous and dangerous Corsair warbands, operating across the galaxy and estimated to employ at least 3,500 ships. They have been encountered in the Cadian Gate, Tau Empire and the Halo Stars. Their attacks hold no predictable pattern and range from ambushes against Chaos raiders near the Eye of Terror to the mass enslavement of the Imperial Penal Colony of Vorenz-IV to fighting against the Ork Empire of Charadon. They also saw action in the Betalis III System with Mymeara, Alaitoc, and other Corsair bands like the Sunblitz Brotherhood. In 140.M40, the Void Dragons became involved in the conflict on Vern IV between the Death Spectres and the Kabal of the Envenomed Thorn. Currently, they are under the leadership of the haughty Princess Saarania.

Void Warrior - Unknown

Void Watchers - Unknown

Xian's Black Raiders - Allies of Ulthwe. Another group absorbed into the Eldritch Raiders.


Ybaric Exodites: Dragon Knights allies of Iyanden hailing from Halathel, which was destroyed by Hive Fleet Naga.

Worldsingers: Gifted Exodite Eldar who can manipulate nature, roughly equivalent in ability and role to Bonesingers of the Craftworlds. Pure of spirit, Worldsingers are one with nature and can spontaneously grow vegetation and forestry from seemingly thin air.


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