Book Review // Sourcery by Terry Pratchett

When I first restarted my blog, I had no idea I would revigorated with blogging. I know, for the most part, I am still transferring my old blog here, but I am enjoying the ability to rewrite/clean each piece while creating new content. It has also allowed me to rediscover series I have forgotten about, like Discworld.

Title: Scourcery (Discworld #5. Rincewind #3)

Author: Terry Pratchett

Publisher: Harper

Format: Paperback

Page Count: 276

Commercial Fluff: When last seen, the singularly inept wizard Rincewind had fallen off the world's edge. Now, magically, he's turned up again; this time, he's brought the Luggage.

But that's not all....

Once upon a time, there was an eighth son of an eighth son who was, of course, a wizard. As if that wasn't complicated enough, said wizard, then had seven sons. And then he had an eighth son -- a wizard squared (that's all the math). Who, of course, was a source of magic -- a sorcerer.


This was a solid, fun read (as all the Discworld books are), but it wasn't my favourite in the series. After what seemed a strong start, I felt the story lost momentum and its way. It had its highlights, but it felt like this was following some pre-written plan laid down by the previous Rincewind tales and suffered from the forced humour added in. We met some great characters and locations throughout the tale, and I guess not every novel can be a hit. I wish Pratchett hadn't lost his way in this one.

I would love to hear your thoughts if you have read this tale. Is it a hiccup in the series? Is it a case of ideas already running out for Rincewind? Where can I get my own luggage? Give me your answers below, and as always, thanks for reading.


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