ABC Warriors: Ro-Jaws

Ro-Jaws is an anarchic, anti-authoritarian character in the 2000 AD strips Ro-Busters, Nemesis the Warlock and ABC Warriors. Originally named Federal Recycling & Environmental Droid 2-L, he was a municipal sewage robot decommissioned because of faulty language circuits. The foul-mouthed droid (in every sense; he ate rubbish) was sold to Howard Quartz's Ro-Busters organization and found a new career as a rescue worker. Ro-Jaws helped save quite a few people's lives but rarely received any thanks or recognition for his efforts. He wasn't paid either because he was technically a piece of equipment.

Eventually, Quartz closed the operation and scraped the droids working for it. Alongside longtime partner Hammerstein, Ro-Jaws led most of his colleagues in a bid for freedom, which saw them successfully flee Earth for a new life on the robot-free world.

Centuries later, Ro-Jaws — now working as a hotel porter in the Gothic Empire — was thrown into the service of Nemesis the Warlock and became friends with his familiar Grobbendonk. Through Nemesis, he is reunited with Hammerstein and his ABC Warriors. In recent years, he has worked at the College of Khaos, run by the ABC Warrior Deadlock.

Powers and abilities

Abilities: His jaws and stomach are powerful. He can operate underwater and see infrared.

Strength level: Probably superhuman.

Weaknesses: It doesn't have a hyper-intelligent tactical mind like a war robot, but it compensates for this with courage, cheerful determination, and a shrewd understanding of human/robot nature.

Equipment: Shovel; extendible arm; water jet thrusters.

Weapons: His teeth; caustic foam (intended for unblocking drains), which he once used to fight off some alligators.


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