Warhammer 40,000

Aeldari Craftworld Project

“Not all who wander are lost”

As is well known, I am a big fan of all things Elven, especially those in the Games Workshop Aeldari arc. As part of my gaming and collecting, I enjoy creating backstories for my characters/units/vehicles. The best way to do this is to lift ideas from literature, mostly Black Library, HP Lovecraft and Tolkien. With so much information, I decided to compile as much information as possible from my collection. In no way is it complete, official, purely GW, or even nicely laid out, and neither is it my goal to form a fully working dictionary (so please don't ask for English to Eldar or what the Eldar word for potato is. Other blogs can tell you this). I will add the sources to the list below when I remember to write down the sources.

Please remember this is purely for my benefit and enjoyment. It may even include words of my own making, words from AOS, Lord of the Rings or D&D, or any other source I feel dits. If it is elven enough for me, it can make the list. Let me know if you disagree with something written in the comments, and let's chat. Feel free to use it and suggest words to add by commenting below. Thanks, and enjoy it.

Personal fluff for my Iyanden Warhost

Alphabet (Aeldari Words to English)

In no way a comprehensive listing of words, but it is a solid start. These words come from across multiple books including Black Library, Tolkien and other fantasy producers. This is not official in any way and should not be treated so. It is for personal enjoyment and I hope you enjoy it.


Aeldari Words, Catagories, other

Aeldari Shrines

Dire Avengers

Dark Reapers

Fire Dragons: Molten Spear, Burning Spear, Regrets Rendered Molten, Burning Rebuke (Biel-Tan Exarch Oskirithil of Sorrows), Words of Reason, Ninth Blackened Hearth, Shrine of the golden flame,

Howling Banshees: Hegrian Banshees, Shrine of the Last Heard- located on Ulthwe Shrine is in a frozen lake, Exarch Clyona of The Deathly Wail Shrine (Biel-Tan).

The Slicing Orbs: Eldar Aspect Warriors unique to the Craftworld of Zandros.

Striking Scorpions: Sable Sword, Patient Blade (Biel-Tan Exarch Thurliarisaa).

Lesser Paths

"... and the Engines of Vaul will smite them, and bring fire upon them, and in agony they will depart this realm, their souls screaming into the black void that awaits their pitiful race. And with their banishment there will be peace in this place, and we will be one step further along the road we must tread..." - Farseer Ulthos of Alaitoc.

Bards of Twilight - Storytellers who are taught the Asuryata told once a Generation.

Eulogy - Speech writing for the deceased.

Everguard - Unknown purpose, possibly ship security?

Dreaming - Daydreaming, dreaming of a future, dreaming of the past, scrying.

Dreamsingers - Psychic path.

Forgetting - Those attempting to forget their past. A depressing path.

Isha's Maids - Similar to Warlocks, they are less aggressive.

Lament - Allowing sorrow and grief to hold sway.

Mourning - Remembering the dead.

Playwright - A playwright.

Remembrance - Remembering the past/dead.

Servant - Those wishing to serve.

Service Tenders to the Dead - Iyanden Craftworld, the living look after the dead in their ghosthalls. Cleaning and repairing the restless spirits. Bald, pale, dark eye makeup.

Solitude - Moves to remote areas of a Craftworld to live a nomad experience.

Wandering - Explorers. Not an outcast. Sometimes, they wonder about a Craftworld rediscovering areas.

Wayseers - Openers of Webway portals.

Wilderer - Grounds keepers, gardeners.

Other Bodies

"The stars once lived and died at our command, yet you still dare to oppose our will" - Farseer Mirehn Bielann.

The Black Council: Meets at the Black Library and comprises the Eldar's most powerful Farseers.
Cythai: The Awakened. Shunning the Path, Aeldari has fled to Space's darkest corners to hide from She Who Thirsts.
Conclave of Tears: Representatives of at least one craftworld, a Corsair fleet, and even a Dark Eldar Kabal make up this gathering of Aeldari forces in Jericho's Reach led by the Harlequins.
White Seers: The Guardians of the Black Library. Curators of Chaos Artifacts.

Harlequins Masques

"We may have won the battle, but our ancestors have lost their souls" - Prince Yriel.

Dance Without End - Masters of the Webway is a very passionate Masque.

Dreaming Shadow - A morbid Masque who fights primarily the Necron threat.

Frozen Stars- Protecting the Maiden Worlds of the Eastern Fringes.

Midnight Sorrow- Obsessed with bringing destruction to Chaos, mainly located around the Eye of Terror.

Penumbral - N/A

Reaper's Mirth - There is a high proportion of Death Jesters.

Silent Shroud - Silent, never speaking.

Shattered Mirage - Self-destructive, wish to burn bright before the end.

Soaring Spite - Based on the Tales of the Cosmic Serpent's Brood. Fights are exclusively airborne.

Twisted Path - Chilling reputation of luring victims into the webway where they vanish!

Veiled Path - Known as tricksters, manipulators, and riddle-smiths, the Veiled Path are capricious even by Harlequin standards. Other Harlequins see them as dangerously untrustworthy, for they have been the architect of countless atrocities. For example, they sent one of their number to manipulate Prince Yriel into taking up the Spear of Twilight. It was the Veiled Path who indirectly set Lady Malys upon the road for her strange encounter in the Webway and the bond with the Laughing God that resulted.

Weeping Dawn - Vengeful Masque and Master Assassins.

Dark Kin Locations

Aelindrach: City-state bathed in Shadows, home of Mandrakes.

Arena Khad Mhetrul: Reaver fighting.

Bone Middens of the Wych Cults: Collection of skeletal xeno remains positioned in grim mock battles.

Central Corespur: This area is located within the bounds of the acid-green river Khaides.

Chasm of Echos: The Dark Creeds lair.

Chasm of Woe: Seethes with Daemons.

Commorragh: Greatest of the Webway Port Cities.

Coreloop Gauntlet: Reaver race track.

Crucibael: Arena of the Wych Cult of Strife.

Draichi Ganeth: A smaller Webway Port City, controlled by the 'Executioner's Cult,'’ A sect of Wyches who specialize in beheading.

Hagg Nar: A long-forgotten Port City, one of the earliest Wych Arenas. Ancient treasures are whispered to be hidden there.

Ilmaea: The Stolen Suns or Black Suns

Khelt Nar: A young Port City. Fast growing and expanding in power quickly. The residents here have a true hatred for Chaos, and many a slave raid has started here.

Khaine's Gate: A giant rent into the warp located in the central under the core of Commorragh.

Lethidia: Tyranid-infested planet that orbits the dark city and is the focus of the Vorgani Drukhari Elite, which has genestealer genes in it.

Moedh Stair: Wych Cult Arena

Nhexus: Cult of the Cursed Blade Arena.

Pandaimon: A sub realm of Commorragh. Home to the Iron Thorn.

Parched: Cadaverous ghoul like Dark Eldar.

Pendulum: Lair to the Coven of Twelve.

Pinnacle of Disdain: Fortress home of the Dying Sun Kabal.

The Pit: Arena of the Red Grief.

Poison Crown: Home of the Flayed Skull, one of the highest towers in Commorragh.

River Khaides: Green acid river. Where Hellions and Reavers race to prove their worth or die trying.

Rhundhar: The secret city. Home to outcast Aeldari.

Sec Maegra/ Null City: aka Mercenary District/Shanty Town, home to mercenaries and xeno races.

Shaa-Dom: Satellite realm to Commorragh. The seat of power of El'uriaq, Shaa-Dom, and its overlord planned to one day dominate the Dark City. However, the supreme overlord of Commorragh, Asdrubael Vect, captured a human starship and sent it crashing into Shaa-Dom through a Webway Portal. The city was devastated by the initial explosion, but the real damage came when the ship's Warp Drives detonated and opened up a rift to the Warp. Now flooded with Daemons, Shaa-Dom was sealed away from the rest of Commorragh on Vect's order.

The Sprawl: Outskirts of the Dark, home to Ur-Ghuls, Khymarae and the Parched-Drukhari fallen from grace.

Tower of Flesh: Lair of the Coven of Thirteen Scars - Fabius Bile is tutored here.

Ynnealidh: The Necropolis Below

Renown Kabals

Ranks: Overlord - Archons - Dreacons - Sybarite - Kabal

All-Seeing Eye: One of the most secretive Dark Eldar Kabals and, though they are few in number, the Kabal acts as influential power brokers, between the various factions vying for power in Commorragh.

Baleful Gaze: Described as one of the Great Kabals of Commorragh

Barbed Eye: Not much known

Bladed Lotus: One of the Great Kabals

Black Blade: Destroyed by the Raven Guard in the Heraclad Massacre of 865.M41

Black Heart: The single most significant and most powerful Kabal in Commorragh, and because of this, they are the dominant power in the city. The Kabal's Supreme Lord is Asdrubael Vect, the oldest known Dark Eldar and the supposed founder of the Dark City. The fact that Kabal's founder is old enough to have witnessed firsthand the birth of Slaanesh means that, along with being the largest and most powerful Kabal, they are also the first Kabal to be founded.

Black Sun: They gained notoriety for trapping the incorporeal scientist Vorsch and using his technologies to launch large-scale terror attacks upon the peaceful Naiad Republic

Black Myriad: One of the great Kabals.

Blackened Tear: Infamous for poisoning an entire Imperial Hive World in 724.M36

Bladed Sun: Known for favouring overwhelming firepower in battle

Blades of Desire: Commanded by the battle-hungry warrior-queen Xelian, the Kabal employed large numbers of Wyches, as well as Hellions and Reaver packs

Bleaksoul Brethren: Operates out of Viridian Sound. They are known for their twisted sense of humour and shark-like teeth

Bloodied Claw: One of the older Kabals in Commorragh, led by Akhara'Keth

Bloody Scream: A large amount of Ravagers and Scourges.

Broken Sigil: Specialist in Terror warfare.

Dying Sun: More Trueborn than most Kabals, controls ancient technology that can destroy stars.

Envenomed Thorn: In 140.M40, it ambushed the Death Spectres on Vern IV, destroying almost all of the Chapter's Predator Destructors

Flayed Skull: Second only to the Black Heart Kabal. Located in the high spires, this kabal favours fast grav warfare.

Immortality Denied: All but annihilated.

Jade Knife: Hatred for Ulthwe

Last Hatred: To master life and death, seek to destroy all Aeldari, and capture whatever is created.

Lords of the Iron Thorn: Huge navy of grav-engines.

The Obsidian Rose: Exquisite weapon smiths arm this kabal with the best and most potent toxins.

Piercing Eye: Raiders of Vorgan.

Poisoned Tongue: They are a great and powerful Kabal of Commorragh, closely allied with Asdrubael Vect and the Kabal of the Black Heart.

The Severed: Spaceborne Kabal, a large fleet of attack craft.

The Shuddering Blade: Close Combat Masters.

Silver Fang: Close Combat focused.

The Storm's Spite: Overwhelming Firepower.

The Thirteenth Whisper: Faces Shrouded and firmly lined with the Mandrakes.

Wraithkind Kabal: Allies to Iyanden against Orks

Renown Covens

Ranks: Haemonculus

Specialists: Nemesines - Seeking ways to kill every known creature. Repugnomancers - Artefact creators. Black Cornucopians - Expert Plunders. Scarlet Epicureans - Seek to experience all forms of pain and death (typically skinned). Apparitians - Enjoy showcasing flaws. Nadirist - Wish to attain godhood by corrupting the mortal realm.

The Black Descent: Patience and masters of traps.

Coven of Twelve: Close Combat

Coven of the Thirteen Scars: Master geneticists and trained Fabius Bile.

Coven of the Twisted Spiral: Are abducting Custodians.

The Dark Creed: Specialist in Fear

The Hex: Flesh Artisans and Curses.

The Prophets of Flesh: Led by Rakarth and strongly supported by Vect, they have become the biggest and strongest of the covens.

Renown Wych Cults

Ranks: Succubus - Blood Brides - Wyches

Blade Denied: Specialize in disarming and killing the enemy with their own weapons.

Bladed Hand: Unarmed killer.

Blood Dancers: Early Wych Cult believed to be destroyed.

Cursed Blade: Masters of treachery. Favouring the Razorfail.

Executioner's Cult: A sect of Wyches who specialize in beheading.

Flayed Hand: Allies to Iyanden against Orks

Flesh Wraith: Black Heart Reavers

Impaled: Worked alongside Vect.

Khaileborn: A sect of Assassins specializing in concealment, stealth and obfuscation. To the untrained eye, they look like a Wych Cult.

Khinerai Harpies: Scourge Gang.

Pain Eternal: Void Bourne Cult that specializes in destroying spiritual shrines/worlds.

Red Strife: Aerial Master.

Seventh Woe: Specialize in the mutilation of the foe.

Stilled Heart: Specializes in Poisons, Venoms and Elixirs.

Cult of Strife: The most infamous of the Cults and has strong ties to Vect.

Wrath Unbound: Practitioners of a killing trance.


The Coiled Blade: Incubi of the Ynnead and followers of the Visarch.


Titles: Lord of Rebirth, Warden of Forgotten Wisdom, Walker of Many Paths, Master of Death, Favoured of Ynnead.

Aeldari Bladehost: Wyches, Black Guardians and Harlequins.

Coiled Blade: Visarch bodyguard of Incubi

Soulbound Vanguard: The chosen warriors of Ynnead. Dire Avengers, Incubi and Wyches.

Ynnead's Net: Warlock Conclave, Windriders, Reavers and Sky Weavers.

Whispering Ghost Hall: - The Reborn Farseer, Shadowseer, Spiritseer, Wraithlords, Wraithguard and Wraithblades.